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Resource Nexus for Sustainability Funding Opportunities


The Resource Nexus for Sustainability (RNS) seeks to build more resilient and sustainable urban and rural systems by developing a community of scholars and practitioners (a resource nexus) who will catalyze solution-oriented research that addresses societally-relevant challenges. This funding solicitation will build on the mission of the RNS by providing funding and resources to support interdisciplinary, solutions-oriented, resilience and/or sustainability-focused projects co-developed by Boise State researchers and external community partners. The intent is for the funding to catalyze teams to be competitive for large-externally funded research.

Project ideas will be accepted from Boise State University (Boise State) researchers AND external community partners. Although awards must be distributed to Boise State research teams, funding to community partners are permitted.


Project topics must fall under the umbrella of community resilience and/or sustainability. Here are some useful definitions to help guide interested applicants:

Community Resilience: Capacity of a community or region to adapt to change and thrive despite the chronic stresses (e.g., access to resources, poverty, climate change) and acute shocks (e.g., flooding, wildfire, cyberattacks) they may experience.

Sustainability: Balancing environmental responsibility, economic prosperity, and social well-being to enable a just, resilient society now and in the future.

UN Sustainable Development Goals:


In 2023 $200,000 is available for Resource Nexus for Sustainability (RNS) research projects with a minimum request amount of $50K and maximum request amount of $100K. There will be two parts of the application process: Project Pitch and Full Request for Funding.


January 11- Launch Event: RNS invites both Boise State and Community Partners attend to learn about RNS and 2023 funding opportunities

February 2: RNS hosts an additional information and Q&A session about funding at 11:30am – register here for the session

February 15: Deadline for initial Project Pitches

February 28: Notification to applicants invited to submit full request for funding

March 1 – March 31: As needed, RNS team will assist in actions such as identifying additional campus researchers or resources, facilitating initial meetings, guidance on developing projects/scope of work, and providing support for faculty, staff and students on how to effectively engage and work with community partners.

April 14: Full Request for Funding due

May 15: Award Notification

RNS encourages project ideas at any stage of maturity. The RNS team will provide guidance to help investigators build teams and develop projects between the Project Pitch and Full Request for Funding.