Discover our current course offerings

The Center for Research and Creative Activity offers a suite of programming to help faculty move their ideas to impact. Options include both individual and cohort-based support, with a focus on early career faculty and interdisciplinary research and creative activity.
Educational workshops are held both in person and via zoom depending on the topic and participants. The full list of current and past programming is searchable on our events page. Registration is available on the events page or via Bronco Learn.
Typical programming for fall and spring includes:
- New Faculty Research and Creative Activity Orientation
- Grantsmanship Academic Year Fellowship
- Interdisciplinary Faculty and Staff Research and Creative Activity Mixers
- Team Science Workshops
- Faculty Research Lightning Talks
- Program Officer Visits
- NSF CAREER Workshop
- Funding Solicitations Information Sessions
- Community Engaged Research Workshops
Our programming is actively being developed and expanded to serve the needs of all campus researchers and the ever changing funding landscape. If you have suggestions or requests for programming or would like to learn more about current programming, contact the Director of Education and Training, Anna Drennen, at
On-demand, just-in-time training is available through Bronco Learn, Boise State’s online learning management system for tracking, managing, and reporting required, and professional development training. Training course offerings are continuously being developed and span topics across the research and creative activity ecosystem.
Access the Division of Research and Economic Development’s Course Catalog:
If you have a Boise State University login:
- Log in to Bronco Learn
- You can now browse DRED’s course catalog in the Bronco Learn for available training.
If you do not have a Boise State University login, need guest access, or have other training questions, don’t hesitate to contact
Once you log in to your account, you can find enrollment links and course completion certificates whenever needed.
Upcoming Events
Lightning Talks
Center for Research and Creative Activity partners with the Vice President for Research and Economic Development to host a series of Lighting Talks that focus on interdisciplinary and research collaboration opportunities.
If you are interested in discussing your research and presenting at a future lightning talk, please contact Kathryn Lucas at
Questions on Research Development? Project Management Initiative? Review our some of our most frequently requested resources or contact us at