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Activate Accommodations

Remember to activate your accommodations each semester after you register for classes by logging in to the Access Portal below.

Once the accommodation notification has been sent to your instructor, talk with them about the best way to implement your accommodations.

Access Portal Login

To activate your accommodations for the semester:

  • Log in to the Access Portal.
  • Click on the box next to each class for which you are requesting accommodations.
  • Click “Continue to Customize Your Accommodations”.
  • Select the accommodations you need to activate for each class, then click submit.
Access Portal Login
Using Test Taking accommodations

Alternative Testing

The Educational Access Center does not offer in-house test proctoring.  If you are approved for an alternative testing accommodation, test administration format will be determine by the professor of course.

Online testing without a proctor

Extended time needs to be added by the instructor

Online testing proctored by Academic Testing Center

The entire class takes the exam at the testing center and signs up through Register Blast

In-class testing

May be proctored by the instructor or arranged with PACS

Alternative Format

An Alternative Format accommodation converts your textbooks and class reading material to an alternate format.  Regardless of your accommodation, you are required to purchase a legal copy of you book(s).  If you are using Inclusive Access Materials or you are purchasing digital copy of your textbook then it may already be accessible.

Step 1. Activate your Accommodations

Log in to the Access Portal. Then, click on the box next to each class you are requesting accommodations in. Click “Continue to Customize Your Accommodations”. Select the accommodations to activate in each class, then click submit.

Step 2. Request Your Books

Log in to the Access Portal, under “My Accommodations” click “Alternative Formats” and select the books you are requesting.  If your books are not listed, obtain the title, author, 13 digit ISBN number, and edition for the book and provide information in the “Reading Material” section.

Step 3. Submit Additional Reading Materials

If additional course materials need to be converted to an alternative format, then contact the EAC or email documents directly to