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Department of Geosciences

We create and disseminate knowledge about Earth processes and properties

We believe that the creative integration of research with education will promote excellence in both

Exploring Earth and its Environments to Create a Scientifically Informed Community


Students can earn Degrees, Minors, and Certificates in Geology, Geophysics, Hydrology, Geoscience Education, and Geographic Information Systems. In all programs we enable students to discover and develop knowledge and skills they can use to achieve their professional goals and pursue solutions to resource and environmental challenges facing the state, nation, and world.


Students have excellent opportunities to engage with our scientists in research addressing fundamental Earth Science issues of international importance and local relevance. We generate new knowledge on the processes and properties of our planet and its connections to other sciences and society using observations, instrumentation and computations.


We are committed to the idea that a fundamental role of the university in society is to help create a scientifically informed community. Our faculty and students actively engage with the community to provide opportunities for people to learn more about the planet on which they live.

Department News

Ashley Bosa in The Conversation
Ellyn Enderlin honored with PECASE Award
GGO Spring Outreach Events
Geoscience Potluck and Game Night is Back!!
Three Minute Thesis Final
Save The Date: Upcoming Seminar

Upcoming Seminars

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