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Network of Leaders and Learners

About us: The Network of Leaders and Learners is a capacity building initiative designed to connect and encourage educators through innovative research, service, and learning experiences.

One of our specific goals is to build capacity and support for rural education in Idaho, as well as build connections through rural-urban partnerships. The Network engages in practice-research partnerships to leverage strengths and collaborate in order to solve problems together.

We want to be a viable partner in supporting educational leaders from the system level to the classroom, which includes an ecosystem of support for educator recruitment, preparation, development, coaching and retention strategies and research.

Specifically, the Network is an effort to bridge the gaps between research, policy, and practice through ongoing partnerships.


Dedicated to creating successful leaders and communities of learning.


Supporting an ecosystem of leaders and learners at all levels to achieve the best outcomes for Idaho’s children and communities.


Leverage strengths, foster relationships, build bridges, look for innovation, speak in possibilities, navigate change, and commit to continuous improvement.