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David Flores: July 2011

David Flores, a 22 year-old former cavalry scout in the Army, joined Veterans Upward Bound in January, 2011. Since he is no longer conducting reconnaissance missions, David spends his time divided between riding his motorcycle, eating carne asada fries, and watching action movies. The Hangover 2 is his current favorite.

In his math classes, David has stuck out among his peers both for his academic persistence and his own quiet charm. When Linda (our math instructor) was asked what it is that makes David so unique, she beamed and said, “David is genuine, motivated, excited and scared. This brings out the best in him. He’s facing challenges that everyone should face by going back to school. He weighs the possibilities, and whatever he chooses to do, I know he will excel at it.”

After he graduates from our program in August, David plans to attend both CWI and Boise State, working towards a degree in computer engineering. Ultimately, he would like to work for the Drug Enforcement Administration. His advice for veterans? “Don’t drink and drive,” and “take advantage of all the benefits you have now, rather than later.”