Are you or someone you know ready to gain college credits, experience, life skills and friendship through a unique program designed for students with intellectual disabilities? If so, you can learn more about the Providing Exceptional Education and Raising Standards (PEERS) program* for students with intellectual disabilities at our virtual information night on March 8, 2022 from 7pm-8pm MT via Zoom. Program coordinator Jeremy Ford will be on hand to answer questions and help interested students and families prepare to apply.
The PEERS Program is an inclusive, two year postsecondary education program for students with intellectual disabilities at Boise State University. Students in the PEERS Program are enrolled in Boise State University coursework, taking PEERS specific courses pass/fail, as well as Boise State University courses for credit or as audit (depending on individual student goals), working toward a certificate in Community and Career Readiness Studies. In addition, students in the program have the opportunity to spend time having fun and building community together at on and off-campus events!
*Students with intellectual disabilities who are eligible 2022-2023 FAFSA filers may receive Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants, and/or Federal Work Study.
For questions, email peers@boisestate.edu