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Select Reports, Briefs and Papers

Borrelli, R.A., Araújo, K., Koerner, C., and Djokic, D. (2024). Consent-based Siting for Nuclear Fuel: The Common Ground Consortium Focus on Research and Public Conversations, Annual Meeting Proceedings, American Nuclear Society.

LaBrier, D., Araújo, K., Bernards, M. (2024). Development of an On-line Graduate Certificate for Nuclear Safeguards and Security, Annual Meeting Proceedings, American Nuclear Society.

Araújo, K. and Koerner, C. An Assessment of Policies and Regional Diversification with Energy, Critical Minerals, and Economic Development in Emerging Markets, Emerging Energy Market Analysis Initiative, Report for the U.S. Department of Energy,  2023.

Lenhart, S. and Davies, L. Western Electricity Emerging Markets: State-Level Regulatory Analysis, 2023.

Shropshire, D., Araújo, K., Koerner, C., Bell, C., Fauske, G., Johnson, R., Parsons, J., Gerace, S., Holubynak, E., Righetti, T., Aumeier, S. Evaluation of State-Level Legal, Regulatory, Economic, and Technology Implications, Emerging Energy Market Analysis Initiative, U.S. Department of Energy, INL/RPT-23-71733, 2023.

Araújo, K. and He, Y., Revitalizing Communities with Diversification in Clean Energy and Advanced Manufacturing, Report chapter. Roosevelt Report, 2022.

Karplus, V., Araújo, K., He, Y. The Workforce in a Clean Energy Transition, Report chapter, Roosevelt Report, 2022.

Aumeier, S., Shropshire, D., Allen, T., Araujo, K., Bell, C., Craig, M., Parsons, J., Righetti, T., Methodological Framework, Emerging Energy Market Analysis Initiative, U.S. Department of Energy,  INL/EXT-21-65347-Rev000, November 2021.

Shropshire, D., Black, G., and Araújo, K. Global Market Analysis for Microreactors, U.S. Department of Energy Microreactor Program, INL/EXT-21-63214-Rev000, July 2021.

Garn, K., Kharel, P., and Koerner C., Energy, Adoption Factors and Urban Policy in Miniaturized Home Use, Technical and Policy Brief, 21.1, CAES Energy Policy Institute, 2021.

Koerner, C., Araújo, K., Mitchell, T. and Bryan, H. Energy Literacy in K-12 Education: Evaluating Energy Learning Potential and Gaps through a Survey of Idaho Teachers, Technical and Policy Brief, 20.1, CAES Energy Policy Institute, 2020.

Lenhart, S. Pumped Storage: Could the Next Generation of Technologies Contribute to Addressing Energy Resilience Needs? Technical and Policy Brief, 20.2, CAES Energy Policy Institute., 2020.

Van Woerden, I., Savage, B., Mashal, M., Mahar, J., and Araujo, K., An Economic and Safety Assessment of Hydropower in Idaho, White paper, Center for Advanced Energy Studies, 2020.

Energy Policy Institute, Idaho National Lab, Idaho Fluor and Boise State. Nuclear Waste Reports for the Idaho State Leadership in Nuclear Energy (LINE) Commission, 2019:

  • Calcine
  • Remote-handled Mixed Low-Level Waste
  • Sodium-bearing Waste
  • Spent Nuclear Fuel and
  • Transuranic Waste.

Chan, G., Lenhart, S., Forsberg, L., Grimley, M., Wilson, E. Barriers and Opportunities for Distributed Energy Resources in Minnesota’s Municipal Utilities and Electric Cooperatives, Report., 2019. (Research sponsored by the McKnight Foundation)

Larsen, B., Osterhout, G., Crossgrove-Fry, V. and Araújo, K., Boise’s Energy Future, Survey and Technical Report for the City Council of Boise’s decision to adopt a 100% clean electricity goal by 2035, 2019.

Araújo, K. and Pepper, S. Cyber-Nuclear Risk Assessment, Technical Report, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, 2018.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2018). Deployment Indicators for Small Modular Reactors: Methodologies, Analysis of Key Factors and Case Studies, Technical Report/Techdoc 1854. Based on EPI research: Black, G., Taylor Black, M., Solan, D., & Shropshire, D. Carbon free energy development and the role of small modular reactors: A review and decision framework for deployment in developing countries, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 43 (2015), 83-94.

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