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About the Gender Studies Program
Established in 1994, the Gender Studies Program was honored by the National Council for Research on Women with its Emerging Center Award for 2010. This award recognizes the significant national impact of the research, advocacy and leadership engaged in by the Gender Studies Program and the faculty, students, and staff engaged in the program as it has grown in recent years.

Gender Studies at Boise State focus on building an academic and intellectual environment for students and faculty members. The program offers gender/ sex/ sexuality/ intersectionality/ diversity/ race theory courses, and/or courses taught with an interdisciplinary lens. It seeks to provide students with an opportunity to learn about all forms of hierarchy and power relations which in turn perpetuate gendered socio-economic and political structures. In other words, it encourages students to think outside the box and engage in critical thinking regarding the ethics and politics of equality and justice, and links the questions of gender and sexuality (both men and women) to all forms of hierarchical differences.
Multicultural and interdisciplinary in approach, the Program seeks to address many of the current social, economic, professional, media, individual, and public policy issues revolving around discussions of gender and sexuality. Students examine the experiences of women and men and concepts of gender and sexuality within different cultural, social, economic, and religious contexts through the study of scholarship and creative works in a variety of fields. Thus, the course work seeks to provide students with essential preparation for lives and careers deeply impacted by ongoing debates regarding gender and sexuality in our society. Students taking course work in Gender Studies have the opportunity to earn a Minor Degree in Gender Studies.
Learn more about Gender Studies
Whether you are a current or prospective student, a faculty or staff member, or an interested visitor, we appreciate your interest in our program and invite you to explore our website, our program, and the opportunities to earn a Minor Degree in Gender Studies.
Best regards,
Dr. Aiden VanderStouwe
Director of Gender Studies
Lecturer, Department of Linguistics
Riverfront Hall 214 E