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Doctoral Graduate Celebration Audio Transcript


Larkin Tobiason: Good afternoon.

Larkin Tobiason: Good afternoon, and thank you all for joining this wonderful celebration we’ll get started shortly, but first a couple of quick notes.

Larkin Tobiason: Will the audience, please ensure that your microphones are muted, the designated speakers will unmute themselves when it is their turn to present.

Larkin Tobiason: will ask that you please refrain from speaking, unless you are a designated speaker.

Larkin Tobiason: We encourage you to use the chat window for shout outs and congratulations throughout the event and we’ll save some time at the very end of the event for a group cheer.

Larkin Tobiason: Students if you’ll please make sure that your zoom screen name matches your full name and when you are being celebrated please turn on your video so that we can spotlight you on screen, while your faculty is speaking for you.

Larkin Tobiason: And to best view of the presentations and speakers side by side, you can enable speaker view in your zoom window that can be located at the top right of your screen.

Larkin Tobiason: And you should see this slide shared alongside the person who is presenting at that time, we are recording this session to view at a later date, and now, without further ado it’s my pleasure to introduce Dr tammy takahashi dean of the graduate college.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Thank you Larkin.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Welcome welcome everyone, welcome to the doctoral graduation celebration for Boise State University, I am tammy vodka has the dean of the graduate college and i’m so delighted that you’ve joined us today.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: graduates congratulations today is for you, for you to celebrate celebrate the extraordinary accomplishment of obtaining your doctoral degree.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: to know that your hard work and dedication have paid off, you did not let racial strife political discourse or pandemic sway you from your goal.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: You demonstrated resilience throughout these challenging times and because of your fortitude you are now among the small percentage of those privileged to hold a doctoral degree and who can rightly be addressed as Dr.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Today is also a time to be recognized for your great achievement recognized by those who have been a part of your incredible journey.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: So welcome family and friends staff administrators and faculty I know the unbridled pride, you are filling today about these graduates and employees that you two could be here for the celebration.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: graduates, I want you to know that all of Boise state joins in the happiness of your success and in a minute, you will hear from the President of our university Dr Marlene trump.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: But first, as your graduate Dean i’d like to take a moment to speak from the heart.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: While days like today are about triumph and engaging in festivity I also believe, taking time for reflection can be meaningful.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: graduates, please think back to when you first decided to pursue this graduate degree Do you remember going through the application process and then your reaction when you were informed that you are admitted to your Program.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: The excitement of your first few weeks of classes meeting your new colleagues and learning more about your faculty.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: During your graduate studies, some of you may have never stumbled never doubted, however, some of you might resonate with having had an occasional feeling of self doubt.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: or even wondering what you might have gotten yourself into maybe you question yourself your abilities even your own resilience.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Some of you might have thought about quitting or going in another direction and yet here you are, you have triumphs and here’s what I know is true for all of you, you started your doctoral degree for a reason you had a purpose of vision, a destination and you didn’t give up.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: No ultimately you never gave up, no matter what else was going on around you you kept going hold on to that hold on to that.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: My hope for you graduates, is that you each connect with how and why and what led you to this theory moment for this is the moment that very important moment that you have made your own.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: It is now time to use your doctoral degree to go out and make a difference in this world to embrace who you are and what you’ve achieved to follow your passion, without hesitation to engage in ways that you never have before.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: I challenge you to be the person you set out to be at the beginning of your doctoral journey or even to surpass that vision using what you have learned and who you have become along the way you are someone who has reached for the ultimate goal and made it your own.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: To each and every one of you, I say congratulations, Dr you did it, you are right, where you belong.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: And now i’d like to introduce you to someone who I know has so much belief in you and your ability to excel and who is excited, just like the rest of us to see what you each set out to achieve next.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: I am honored to introduce Dr Marlene trump President of Boise State University welcome Dr trump.

Marlene Tromp: Thank you Dean takahashi it is so wonderful to see you all here today.

Marlene Tromp: I want to say something to you that you already know, which is how important your work is.

Marlene Tromp: Right now, our world is desperately in need of new knowledge of knowledge creation, there are challenges and problems we don’t yet know how to solve and without bold independent thinkers like you.

Marlene Tromp: We won’t know how to solve them, you are the key to our future and whether you make a decision to move into the Academy or work out in a field in industry or just take that special knowledge into whatever business you’re already working in.

Marlene Tromp: your ability to create knowledge is an ability to lead.

Marlene Tromp: And we so desperately need your fresh thinking and your fresh eyes, at this time.

Marlene Tromp: If so many challenges to face as a world.

Marlene Tromp: We need you.

Marlene Tromp: Dr rocca has he mentioned that only a small percentage of people have doctoral degrees 1% of the global population holds a doctorate degree.

Marlene Tromp: 2% of people in the United States hold doctoral degrees, you are indeed a part of a very small cohort.

Marlene Tromp: You are a part of our nation and our world’s best and brightest we’re so grateful that you have dedicated your time and your energy and all the hours and Labor and the stressors that come along with completing a doctoral degree.

Marlene Tromp: Because we need your unique collection of experiences and knowledge to move forward together.

Marlene Tromp: Boise state has risen to become the state of idaho’s largest graduate school.

Marlene Tromp: Your training your doctoral training helps to chart the future.

Marlene Tromp: Not just for Boise state for the state the region and the nation.

Marlene Tromp: What we have been known for for decades is our innovation as a university.

Marlene Tromp: Boise state’s iconic blue field has been understood to be a part of the way that we think and operate differently at Boise state blue turf thinking.

Marlene Tromp: We are leveraging research to impact our community in trailblazing ways we are pathbreaking for higher education.

Marlene Tromp: And I am so grateful for the work that you have done and for the contribution you will make I hope you’ll stay in touch with your Alma mater and help us see the light you bring into the world congratulations, Dr and thank you.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Thank you, Dr trump for those inspiring words and the wonderful message.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Now i’d like to introduce Dr Scott Lowe the associate dean of the graduate college Dr Lowe.

Scott Lowe: Thank you Dean bakassi i’d like to take a brief moment, on behalf of the graduate college and our graduate faculty to acknowledge several people who support and enable graduate education at Boise state.

Scott Lowe: First, the graduate Council led by Dr Pam yorkie who oversees all matters of graduate curriculum and policy.

Scott Lowe: All of the doctoral graduates that we’re celebrating today at participated in academic programs and progressed in their degrees, which were reviewed and approved by the graduate Council.

Scott Lowe: Next, the graduate leadership team comprised of an associate Dean for each of our six academic colleges and schools.

Scott Lowe: With graduate programs, as well as the associate dean’s and residents and the program directors within the graduate college.

Scott Lowe: So on behalf of the graduate college and our graduate faculty please join me in thanking our associate dean’s.

Scott Lowe: Dr Maria mayakoba from the College of engineering Dr cj Northrop from the College of arts and sciences, Dr joelle powers from the College of health sciences.

Scott Lowe: Dr jenn Schneider from the School of Public Service Dr kit Scott from the College of business and economics and Dr Keith TD from the College of education.

Scott Lowe: i’d also like to recognize the associate dean’s and residents of the graduate college who’ve been tasked with overseeing or mentoring and advising initiatives, Dr Marianna gruff and Dr hey Sue stress Palacios.

Scott Lowe: And finally, the Faculty director of the gradwell program Dr Kelly rossetto, thank you for your time, dedication and all that you do for graduate education at Boise State University.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Thank you, Dr Lowe for those much deserved words of appreciation and thanks to the many others who contribute to graduate education at Boise State University.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Okay now it’s time to turn our attention to the graduates, first we will hear from the College of education welcome interim Dean, Dr Jennifer snow.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Dr snow.

Jennifer Snow, she/her: Thank you and good afternoon.

Jennifer Snow, she/her: I echo Dean baca has these warm welcome to this important celebration i’m Jennifer snow interim Dean, for the College of education.

Jennifer Snow, she/her: Our college is thrilled to have record breaking numbers of a doctoral graduates this spring.

Jennifer Snow, she/her: The commitment and perseverance to doctoral study is immense for candidates and also for families and loved ones, so thank you all for supporting the top notch work of our doctoral candidates.

Jennifer Snow, she/her: cheers to a well earned celebration congratulations doctors, we wish you all the very best and now our distinguished faculty will introduce the doctoral graduates.

Young Baek: hi.

Young Baek: My name is young back i’m professor in the Department of Education technology, today I have the honor of introducing Dr tammy Anderson with receiving or doctorate in educational technology tammy is the current very high school science teacher working in measuring.

Young Baek: In her dissertation she wanted to focus on how digital games for the impact student learning of vocabulary knowledge.

Young Baek: How they could impact the activation of the prior knowledge and impact student itself equity in science credit.

Young Baek: Now tell me pronounce on using what she has learned from studying it to provide professional development to other science teachers.

Young Baek: and to encourage them to find ways to use these Games, as part of their their classroom instruction, I wish you all the best, using games, you know, Chris congrats congratulations Kevin.

Lida Uribe-Fl?rez (she/her/hers): My name is Lena reversal orders, I am an associate professor in the Department of Education and technology.

Lida Uribe-Fl?rez (she/her/hers): Today, I have the honor of introducing Daniel Tyrone who is receiving his doctorate of application in educational technology.

Lida Uribe-Fl?rez (she/her/hers): Then he said physics and stem teacher who is constantly looking for ways to support high school students learning i’m enjoying.

Lida Uribe-Fl?rez (she/her/hers): His dissertation title understanding learner’s experiences of using a portfolio in the highest goal thesis course helps to identify and how the use of an e portfolio enhances.

Lida Uribe-Fl?rez (she/her/hers): Academic self efficacy and provide students with an opportunity to use self regulation strategies congratulations, Dr Carol you did it.

Kerry Rice: and waiting for Christian.

Kerry Rice: Oh there, she is.

Kerry Rice: i’m carrie rice i’m a professor in the department of educational technology, and today I have the honor of introducing kristin kip.

Kerry Rice: who’s receiving her doctorate of education in educational technology kristen’s dissertation examine the influence of course community and personal Community support.

Kerry Rice: On learner engagement in online courses if her research she created a model that demonstrated to what extent these two forms of Community explained variations in learner engagement.

Kerry Rice: With pretty significant results in that it helps us better understand how to support students and online learning environments.

Kerry Rice: Which is especially relevant, given the circumstances of the past year she’s currently the Chair of education at rocky mountain college of Art and Design.

Kerry Rice: And anticipates continuing to research, how a sense of community impacts learner engagement and I did want to say it’s been such a joy, working with Kristen.

Kerry Rice: In addition to her dissertation research we’ve been able to pull author a book chapter and an article together and i’m hopeful will find.

Kerry Rice: additional opportunities to work together, as colleagues, so I want to share my heartfelt congratulations kristin it’s been such an amazing experience working with you and I know there are big things ahead for you and i’m so excited to meet you in person.

Kelly Rossetto: hello, my name is Kelly rossetto and i’m an associate professor in the communication department.

Kelly Rossetto: Today, I have the honor of introducing SAR louche who’s received her doctorate in education and curriculum and instruction.

Kelly Rossetto: For her dissertation Zahra created a mindfulness and intervention for female stem graduate students.

Kelly Rossetto: Using both qualitative and quantitative methods Sarah assess the impact of the intervention in terms of students experiences with imposter phenomenon and self authorship.

Kelly Rossetto: stars dissertation was both methodological and theoretically rich and it showcase the practical value of excellent research, though she didn’t intend for this online intervention to occur during coven none of us anticipated that.

Kelly Rossetto: It was particularly relevant in the times that the students were facing.

Kelly Rossetto: stars dissertation also really highlights the practical value of excellent research her participants were impacted in meaningful ways that will likely extend beyond their graduate education.

Kelly Rossetto: Congratulations, Dr lush you have worked so hard to earn this degree and to find your place in this field.

Kelly Rossetto: It has been such a pleasure working with us, through your ma and PhD degrees and so proud of you, I hope, you’re so proud of yourself, I look forward to working with you so much more into the future, congratulations.

Brett Shelton: My name is Brett Shelton i’m a professor in the department of educational technology, and today I had the honor of introducing Michelle to song.

Brett Shelton: Who is receiving her doctor of education and educational technology degree Michelle is a clinical assistant professor in the department of medicine division of primary care at Stanford school of medicine.

Brett Shelton: She has been a practicing physician assistant for 21 years and, in addition to teaching works clinically in the cardiac intensive care unit at lucile Packard children’s hospital Stanford.

Brett Shelton: michelle’s dissertation titled medical simulation as a competency based assessment within physician assistant education.

Brett Shelton: helped her department explore the validity and reliability of their clinical simulation exam and brought into like many factors of assessment for consideration.

Brett Shelton: Including types of rating scales faculty raiders with broad and diverse musical backgrounds.

Brett Shelton: Observation related factors on the part of the students in the high complexity and multi dimensional nature of provide a patient interactions.

Brett Shelton: Michelle overcame wildfires that displays her in her family multiple times working in a hospital during the pandemic.

Brett Shelton: And a critically failed hard drive that the very end, on her way to her doctor degree, so I can speak to her resilience and perseverance and offer her my most heartfelt congratulations.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Thank you, thank you, colleagues, and congratulations to the doctoral graduates from the College of education.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Next i’m pleased to welcome Dr TIM done again dean of the College of health sciences welcome Dean done again.

timdunnagan: Thank you it’s my pleasure to be here today.

timdunnagan: And to be a part of this wonderful celebration that shows the culmination of all the work that has been done by the students in the school of nursing.

timdunnagan: it’s my honor to present these students and have the Faculty introduce them, thank you.

Sara Ahten: My name is Sarah and i’m graduate faculty in the school of nursing.

Sara Ahten: Today, I have the honor of introducing Andrea children’s who’s receiving her doctorate in nursing practice andrea’s doctoral project was a quality improvement pilot.

Sara Ahten: To develop organizational support and leadership structures for advanced practice nurses in the Pacific Northwest health system.

Sara Ahten: she believes nurses play an integral role in changing the way health care is delivered within communities.

Sara Ahten: Based on her systems leadership work in her doctoral program Andrea has now been asked to lead a project within her organization.

Sara Ahten: To transition the fee for service payment model to a value based care model for orthopedic services congratulations Andrea on completing your degree and successfully meeting a doctor of nursing practice goal of being a change agent for improving health outcomes within a health system.

Teresa Serratt: Good afternoon i’m Theresa rata professor in the school of nursing and faculty and the doctrine of nursing practice Program.

Teresa Serratt: And it is my honor and privilege to introduce three of our dmp students who have earned their doctorates of nursing practice.

Teresa Serratt: The first student i’d like to introduce this Joe Greene Joe identified an issue within his organization that required a comprehensive evidence based solution.

Teresa Serratt: His doctoral project entitled improving quality of care for pediatric psychiatric patients in the emergency department.

Teresa Serratt: was based on a systematic evidence based process and resulted in modifying the process and environment in the emergency department.

Teresa Serratt: and produce positive patient outcomes for psychiatric patients their parents emergency department staff and the organization.

Teresa Serratt: Despite the challenges of the organization’s focus on the code response leadership changes and financial constraints, Joe remain positive and focused energetic and tackle these challenges to complete his project.

Teresa Serratt: He exemplifies what we strive for in our dmp graduates, he will continue to do amazing things throughout his nursing career and it was a great pleasure working with him throughout this process congratulations, Dr Greene.

Teresa Serratt: Next i’m pleased to introduce nathaniel held nate has a heart for veterans and lives in a state that reported a higher rate of veteran suicides than anywhere else in the nation.

Teresa Serratt: His doctoral project entitled implementing best practices to improve veterans primary care a pilot project for suicide screening assessment and referral.

Teresa Serratt: was based on a systematic review of the literature that identified a significant number of veterans visited a primary care provider in the month prior to their suicide.

Teresa Serratt: Establishing a means to identify veterans and train clinic staff on assessment screening and referrals had the potential to make a significant positive impact on Suicide Prevention.

Teresa Serratt: persevering through the challenges presented by the pandemic nate remain steadfast and guiding the clinic through the change process to complete his project.

Teresa Serratt: His project success has provided the impetus to extend this process throughout the many primary care clinics within this health system, it was my great pleasure to mentor him through this process okay glad congratulations, Dr held.

Teresa Serratt: Last, but certainly not least i’d like to introduce Kevin mcewen Kevin is a nurse executive at an acute care hospital in Idaho and identified issues with nurse staffing in his organization.

Teresa Serratt: His doctoral project entitled Improving the nurse patient assessment process on a medical surgical unit.

Teresa Serratt: was developed, based on the observation that patient assignments for creating frustrations within the nursing staff and interfering with the delivery of high quality and safe patient care.

Teresa Serratt: His project has made a significant positive impact on patient outcomes, such as timely medication administration, as well as on the nursing staff.

Teresa Serratt: The pandemic of course added extra complexity and implementing a new process on a unit already struggling to care for a rapid influx of patients sick and with coven.

Teresa Serratt: But Kevin provided strong leadership through this challenge and drew upon the strengths of his leadership team in order to implement this new process and complete this project.

Teresa Serratt: Is new skills and utilizing evidence to make practice and organizational changes, has the power to affect the quality of care for people anywhere his career takes him.

Teresa Serratt: It has been a true pleasure working with him, through the dmp program and on this project congratulations, Dr McHugh and.

Sara Ahten: Now my pleasure to introduce rosanna Marino, who is receiving her doctorate in nursing practice.

Sara Ahten: roseanne his doctoral project was a Community based prevention program to prevent electronic cigarette use among teens in southeast Texas.

Sara Ahten: In addition to her role as a nurse executive rosanna has a heart for and a commitment to the health and well being of young people in her community.

Sara Ahten: With over 3.6 million teams currently using electronic cigarettes rosetta’s pilot project to prevent the taping among teens is both needed and timely.

Sara Ahten: Going forward as koba 19 restrictions are relaxed the intent is to broaden this program to reach more teens in her community with this important health promotion initiative.

Sara Ahten: Congratulations rosanna on completing your degree and successfully meeting a doctor of nursing practice goal of improving health outcomes for populations at our communities.

Cara Gallegos: hi my name is Kara gay ghosts I am an associate professor in the school of nursing today I have the honor of introducing misty Roberts.

Cara Gallegos: Who is receiving her doctorate of nursing practice misty is currently a chief nursing officer in a rural community hospital in wyoming her project examined using an inner professional team to improve medication safety in medicare patients congratulations, Dr Robertson.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Thank you, colleagues, and once again, congratulations to the doctoral graduates from the College of health sciences.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Next i’m pleased to welcome Dr Leslie Durham interim dean of the College of arts and sciences, Dr Durham.

Leslie Durham: I am delighted to celebrate the accomplishments of all the spring 2021 doctoral degree recipients today, and of course i’m especially proud of my college graduates and i’m grateful to their faculty advisors.

Leslie Durham: You represent the very best of our college and our university and I am incredibly proud of what you’ve achieved.

Leslie Durham: tenacity, creativity and the drive for discovery have helped you reach this truly extraordinary milestone.

Leslie Durham: These enduring qualities, will serve you well, as you continue on what I know will be crucial, intellectual and professional journeys.

Leslie Durham: I wish you every possible success and I can’t wait to see where you go and what you do congratulations from the entire College of arts and sciences and now our distinguished faculty will introduce our graduates.

Daniel Fologea: My name is Daniel follow up and i’m a professor in the department of physics, today I have the great honor of introducing mark Smith, who is receiving his doctor right in biomolecular sciences.

Daniel Fologea: marks investigations focused on the applicability of the kinetics exclusion as a technology for measuring up tanner target and membrane like on interactions.

Daniel Fologea: which are crucial for the development of novel biomedical applications this degree, is a great addition to marks long list of outstanding academic achievements.

Daniel Fologea: Double majors in Microbiology and chemistry three masters in bio chemistry chemical engineering and biomolecular sciences and a PhD in environmental engineering.

Daniel Fologea: Mark also had a great career in the air force from which he retired before rank of Colonel.

Daniel Fologea: After 25 years of service his immediate plans focus on being a grandfather with his second grandchild born just this week mark congratulations, you have been an example of reliability diligence and strong determination for all of the students you interacted with.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: It Thank you my college of arts and science, colleagues, and congratulations, Dr Smith.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: Next i’d like to welcome Dr Joanne lady who will welcome the graduates from the College of engineering Dr lady.

JoAnn Lighty (she, her) – Boise State Univ.: Thank you Dean back haha see and I too would like to add my congratulations to all of our doctoral graduates today.

JoAnn Lighty (she, her) – Boise State Univ.: Most of all, to the College of engineering, I wish you all the best of luck your perseverance and resilience is inspiring, as is the work that you are doing.

JoAnn Lighty (she, her) – Boise State Univ.: I would also like to thank and congratulate your advisors, through their mentorship you have made it this far and are on a new journey which will take you even further and now our distinguished faculty will introduce the doctoral graduates of the College of engineering.

Claire Xiong: Thank you Dean.

Claire Xiong: Dean lighty my name is Claire show an associate Professor from my school or material science, engineering today, it is my great honor to introduce Dr Peter Barnes who is receiving the doctor of philosophy in material science, engineering.

Claire Xiong: In Dr Barnes research he developed a unique in natural chemicals, this is his message to create nanostructures now be an oxide.

Claire Xiong: Electric materials or high performance rechargeable batteries.

Claire Xiong: He observed, for the first time and i’m offers to rock salt face transformation in nano channel the nanopores now be outside electrical during electro chemical cycling with lithium ions.

Claire Xiong: He has done a groundbreaking works in battery materials, the battle development for a sustainable future.

Claire Xiong: And the title of his dissertation is a nano structure that now be oxides at negative electrode for visa and sodium Ion batteries, so it is amazing journey to write it together with Dr Barnes and very proud of him and.

Claire Xiong: You did it congratulations.

Paul Simmonds: My name is Paul simmons i’m a professor in the school of material science and engineering and the Department of physics.

Paul Simmonds: And today I have the honor of introducing katie solder who’s receiving her PhD in material science and engineering.

Paul Simmonds: In some ways katie’s research reminds me of alchemy, she has taken an element from the product table.

Paul Simmonds: And by using nanotechnology shown that it’s possible to transform the elements fundamental properties.

Paul Simmonds: In particular, by stretching germanium at the nano scale katie has been able to transform it from an element that does not emit light into a material that could form the basis for nor type of laser.

Paul Simmonds: She has first author on for journal articles that discuss her research and there are more to come.

Paul Simmonds: katie leaves us to start a postdoc in quantum information science at argonne national poetry working with Professor super tech guru up at the University of Chicago.

Paul Simmonds: I have no doubt that this represents just the next step in a very successful future career or on katie i’m so very proud of you.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: and congratulations to our graduates from the College of engineering Thank you to Dean lighty and our colleagues.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: As we come to the end of our time today on behalf of Boise State University Thank you to everyone who joined us for this special event, I do hope this time together has been meaningful.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: I also want to thank the graduate college staff who who plan today’s events and the staff members who helped to support our graduate students from a mission through graduation graduates.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: graduates, we are so proud of you today we celebrate you and your remarkable achievement let’s give a cheer and applause for the newly confirmed doctors, please unmute yourself and join me in congratulating our graduates.

Kevin K McEwan: Job everyone.

Daniel Patrick Carroll: Everybody.

Evelyn Carroll Murphy, PhD (she/her): congratulate.

Tammi Vacha-Haase: You all.

Kelly Rossetto: It go.

Kristen DeBoer: Well done well done.

Daniel Patrick Carroll: I talk I get to be Center stage again.


Pete Barnes: mom is embarrassing.

Sara Ahten: So role of your mother to be embarrassing to embarrass you.

Sara Ahten: Joe is on here Kevin is on here.

Kevin K McEwan: Thanks Dr alden thanks Dr dre.

Sara Ahten: It was our pleasure.

Sara Ahten: Are you just basking in this.

Sara Ahten: I mean I just.

Sara Ahten: Are you just sitting here and just letting it roll over you like there’s literally nothing else you have to do, but show up and be celebrated.

Kevin K McEwan: I think we’re all anticipating there something else still to do.

Sara Ahten: Like we’re going to stop you on the way up on stage and say no wait a minute.

Kevin K McEwan: there’s always one more thing to do, yes.

Cara Gallegos: Kevin number, you have that one paper due.

Sara Ahten: yeah APA seventh edition, please.

Daniel Patrick Carroll: might be eighth edition pretty soon.

Daniel Patrick Carroll: To do a quick revision.

Kevin K McEwan: or get.

Daniel Patrick Carroll: out the gates pretty soon.

Evelyn Carroll Murphy, PhD (she/her): Because I was.

Daniel Patrick Carroll: hearing in the front.

Sara Ahten: I was gonna say Joe looks very happy.

Sara Ahten: But you’re very quiet Joe.

Joe Greene: Bob i’m actually naturally quite shy, but I am very happy.

Joe Greene: Really appreciative of this time today and very appreciative of all of my instructors, especially Dr Surat and Dr yorkie Thank you so much.

Sara Ahten: that’s wonderful yeah we can tell your smile goes from ear to ear.

Larkin Tobiason: Well, thank you all for coming today if you’re celebrating with us in person today or tomorrow we’ll look forward to seeing you then and otherwise we’ll sign off and say best of luck to you all, and thank you all for coming today.

Lida Uribe-Fl?rez (she/her/hers): live and celebrate.

Evelyn Carroll Murphy, PhD (she/her): congratulation.

Daniel Patrick Carroll: Thank you.