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Graduate Peer — Mentoring Program

Thank you for your interest in the peer-mentoring program. The main goal of this program is to create additional opportunities for graduate students to connect and establish positive relationships with other students. Peer Mentoring is important for graduate students because of the knowledge and skills that are shared, but also because of the many other aspects of professional socialization and personal support that are needed to facilitate success in graduate school.


Among the objectives of the interdisciplinary mentoring program are:

  • Enable experienced graduate students to share their knowledge and experience with new graduate students and expand their professional network.
  • Assist new students to adjust to their roles and positions as graduate students and address their needs, concerns, or questions in the professional and personal realms.
  • Help shape the careers of new colleagues and enjoy opportunities for self-renewal.
  • Provide a valuable service to the university by promoting collegiality through mentoring.

Roles and Responsibilities

Questions & Feedback

If you have any questions, please contact professor Kristin Snopkowski ( I will check in with mentors and new graduate students periodically and invite them to provide feedback on the progress of their relationships at the end of the academic year so that the Graduate College can evaluate the program and use the feedback to improve the mentoring program in the future.


This mentorship program was created by Jesús Trespalacios and Marie-Anne de Graaf. This mentorship program also benefited from insights from other institutions with well-established peer mentoring programs, such as: 

  • University of Colorado-Boulder
  • Washington University-St Louis
  • Texas A&M
  • Interdisciplinary mentoring program – Boise State University

[She] was a great resource and could speak to the program in ways that helped me.

It has been good to connect with graduates further along in their program than myself.

I felt it was very beneficial to be able to meet with my mentor regularly and ask questions about anything. He helped me understand and be better aware of certain processes and procedures within the program. He answered questions that I had about formatting when it came to completing research projects and papers. He shared his own experiences so that I am better able to understand upcoming events and projects within the program. He answered questions about publishing and dissertation writing. He offered help and suggestions to improve my thoughts and ideas for projects. He was easy to talk to and I enjoyed our regular meetings. It was very nice to have someone that I knew I could go to with questions or ideas, and he would know and understand exactly what I was talking about.

Mine is the best! [She] has talked me through so many pickles and just stressful moments and helped me understand the program when I was confused! Totally changed my remote learning experience. 4 stars for [her]!