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Jessica Bernardin

Competitor Profile

  • Headshot of Jessica Bernardin

    Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior

    Congratulations to the 2022 Three Minute Thesis finalists! Leading up to the final event, competitors have taken part in workshops and coaching sessions to cultivate their academic, presentation, and research communication skills.

    Learn more about Jessica’s research below!

    Advisor: Leonora Bittleston

    Congratulations to the 2022 Three Minute Thesis finalists! Leading up to the final event, competitors have taken part in workshops and coaching sessions to cultivate their academic, presentation, and research communication skills.

    Learn more about Jessica’s research below!


What Can Microbial Function Tell Us About Host Health?

All living creatures from trees to beetles, host a diverse and complex assortment of microbes, their microbiome. Research has made major developments in understanding which bacteria are present in certain microbiomes, but there are gaps in what we know about how they interact with each other and their host. My research works to understand differences in microbial community function and how those differences impact their host. Pitcher plants are an excellent model system to study the effects of microbial function on host health.  The bacterial communities hosted in each pitcher help to digest insects and release nutrients, which are then absorbed by the plant. I can manipulate the bacterial communities in this system and measure the downstream impacts on host health. Looking for patterns in community function within the model pitcher plant system may help us predict how host microbiomes respond to changes in nutrients, temperature, and stress.