Institute for the Study of Behavioral Health and Addiction
The Institute for the Study of Behavioral Health and Addiction is a joint endeavor of the Colleges of Education and Health Sciences, providing coordinated and complementary information dissemination, training and professional development opportunities, research and program evaluation services for behavioral health and addiction prevention and treatment professionals and organizations at Boise State and in the community, and fostering community and legislative relationships throughout the state of Idaho. The Institute also houses the Idaho Regional Alcohol Drug Awareness Resource Center (RADAR), the only clearinghouse for substance abuse prevention and addiction treatment print, video and electronic resources and resource referral for citizens residing in the state of Idaho. The Institute is the training arm of the Department of Counselor Education, providing training workshops for continuing education for counselors and other professionals.
Leadership Team
- Dr. Diana Doumas, Director
- Dr. Susan Esp, Associate Director and Co-Training Coordinator
- Dr. Raissa Miller, Co-Training Coordinator
- Dr. Nate Williams, Research and Program Evaluation Coordinator
- Leah Kalk, RADAR Director
Select Research Grants/Contracts
- Aida Midgett, PI; Diana Doumas, Co-I. Translating an In-Person Brief, Bystander Bullying Intervention (STAC) to a Technology-Based Format, NIMHD, R42 STTR/SBIR Phase II. This project will develop and test the efficacy of an online bullying bystander intervention for middle school students.
- Nate Williams, PI; Susan Esp, Co-I. Randomized Trial of a Leadership and Organizational Change Strategy to Improve the Implementation and Sustainment of Digital Measurement-based Care in Youth Mental Health Services, NIMH, R01. This project examines the impact of the LOCI intervention on clinician fidelity to measurement-based care and youth outcomes.
- Nate Williams, PI. Enhancing Routine Clinical Supervision to Improve MBC Fidelity and Clinical Outcomes, NIMH, R01 Administrative Supplement. This project examines how clinical supervision affects measurement-based care implementation.
- Nate Williams, PI. Generating Accurate Estimates of Required Sample Size for Multilevel Implementation Studies in Mental Health, NIMH, R21. This project collects national data to guide the design of implementation studies in behavioral health.
- Nate Williams, Co-PI. Validation of a Causal Model of Implementation, NIMH, R01. This project tests the validity of a causal model of therapists’ fidelity to cognitive-behavioral therapy components in community mental health clinics.
Select Service and Training Grants/Contracts
- Diana Doumas, PI. Alcohol Use Prevention for High School Students, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This grant provides the alcohol prevention programs eCHECKUP TO GO and Parents are the Solution to high school students and their parents.
- Leah Kalk, PI; Diana Doumas, Co-PI. Funding from the SAMHSA Block Grant administered by the Office of Drug Policy supports the RADAR Center as well as providing
funding for the Annual Prevention Training Institute and other activities related to substance use prevention in the state of Idaho. - Nate Williams, PI; James Beauchemin, Co-PI. Funding from the Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Family and Community Services to conduct a statewide evaluation of Idaho’s Youth Empowerment Services (YES) system-of-care for youth and families. Research aims address annual assessments of youth and families’ experiences of care within the YES system, assessment of unmet need for mental health services, assessment of need
for intensive care coordination using Wraparound, and workforce issues. - Leah Kalk, PI; Susan Esp, Co-PI; Diana Doumas, Co-PI; Raissa Miller, Co-I. Funding from the Idaho Conference on Alcohol and Drug Dependence (ICADD) Foundation supports the organization and hosting of the Annual ICADD Conference.
- Leah Kalk, Program Director. Funding from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Tobacco Prevention Program supports the RADAR Center.