COUN 541 ADDICTION AND THE FAMILY SYSTEM (2-0-2)(SU). Addresses the multigenerational impact of chemical and behavioral addiction on the family system, as well as the role family systems can play in the treatment and recovery process. Covers risk and protective factors, stages of change, and continuum of care considerations within the family context. PREREQ: COUN 545 or PERM/INST.
COUN 543 ASSESSING AND MANAGING ADOLESCENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH RISKS (2-0-2)(S/SU)(Odd years). Introduction to comprehensive adolescent risk assessment and treatment planning. Examination of current and available comprehensive adolescent assessments, current and available specialized assessments, report writing approaches and effective treatment processes.
COUN 545 FOUNDATIONS OF CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY (3-0-3)(F/ S). An overview of the field/foundations of chemical dependency, including theories of prevention, addiction, treatment approaches, the physiology and psychology of addiction, and an in-depth understanding of the effects of different drugs on the individual and society, including physiological, biological, spiritual, cultural, and behavioral effects. PREREQ: PERM/INST.
COUN 548 ADDICTION AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT AND INTERVENTION (3-0-3)(S). Prepares future licensed professional counselors to work with clients with addiction and behavioral health issues. Includes theories/approaches to working with clients with addiction and behavioral health issues, bio-psycho-social assessment, and evidence based counseling techniques and interventions. PREREQ: Admission to Counseling Program or PERM/INST.
COUN 549 MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING (1-0-1)(F/S). Provides a basic understanding of motivational interviewing, the trans-theoretical model, harm reduction, screening, and brief intervention. PREREQ: Admission to the Master of Arts in Counseling program or PERM/INST.
COUN 550 DIAGNOSIS, ASSESSMENT, AND TREATMENT PLANNING (3-0-3)(F/S). Examines concepts of “mental disorders,” DSM classification systems, and the diagnostic benefits and diagnostic problems inherent in such systems. An introduction and overview of the major psychopathological syndromes of adolescents and adults (especially in the area of Co-morbidity of Substance Abuse/Dependence and other DSM 5 diagnoses) to facilitate appropriate use of assessment-diagnostic-treatment links (including treatment planning). PREREQ: PERM/INST.
COUN 551 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (1-0-1)(SU). Examines common psychopharmacology issues covering a wide range of disorders.
COUN 558 DEPRESSION (1-0-1)(F/S). An overview of the symptoms and underlying causal factors associated with the range of depression-based disorders. Depression-based problems are discussed in terms of the interactions between cognitive, behavioral, affective factors, and related treatments are presented. (Pass/Fail.)
COUN 559 FEARS AND PHOBIAS (1-0-1)(F/S). An overview of the symptoms and underlying causal factors associated with the range of anxiety based problems. Anxiety-based problems are discussed in terms of the interactions between cognitive, behavioral, affective factors, and related treatments are presented. (Pass/Fail.)
MHLTHSCI 548 COUNSELING TECHNIQUES FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS (3-0-3) (F). Topics to include interviewing and questioning techniques, client observation and influencing skills, and ethics. Special emphasis is give to confrontation techniques which can help break through the denial system of patients and help determine sound treatment plans.
CJ 522 JUVENILE OFFENDERS, CRIME, AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN IDAHO (3-0-3) (F). Examination of current processes in juvenile justice, policy, probation, and utilization of community based resources in Idaho . Emphasis will be placed on understanding issues and policy applications at the local and state level. PREREQ: CJ 509 or CJ 512.