Howard Wiley, academic advisor for College of Health Sciences Student Services and Academic Advising, and Lauren Baines, health educator for University Health Services led the Health Sciences Riverside building and Health Services’ staff in winning the first annual Horse Bit Pantry Food Drive Competition. Together they raised approximately $90 and 100 pounds of food. View the trophy at Anita Castello’s desk in Student Services and Academic Advising, Health Sciences Riverside room 122.
The drive, sponsored by Shared Leadership, brought in over $450 and 370 pounds of food for the Horse Bit Pantry, which was created by St. Paul’s Catholic Student Center and Crosswalk Ministry, two Boise State clubs. The pantry is open to students and Boise State employees who are struggling to make ends meet.
Learn more about the Horse Bit Pantry at https://www.facebook.com/HorsesBitStudentPantry.