By: Kathleen Tuck

Take the “Highway to Health” at Boise State University’s 20th annual Health Fair from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16, in the Student Union Jordan Ballroom. The free event is open to the community and all Boise State students, faculty and staff. Hourly parking is available in the Lincoln Avenue Garage.
The mission of the health fair is to promote health awareness by providing access to community resources and health screenings, and encouraging personal involvement in healthy lifestyles. The fair is presented by Boise State University senior health education and promotion students.

The fair will feature a number of exhibitors addressing the seven areas of health: physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental, occupational and intellectual.
In addition, the following screenings and services will be available: blood pressure, bone density, hearing test, fitness test, stress management test, mental health screening, skin analyzer, cholesterol, HIV and flu shots. Attendees will need to bring their insurance cards for screenings. For those who do not have insurance cards or forget, there is a $25 charge for flu shots. Mobile mammograms also are available. Call (208) 367-8787 to make an appointment.
Join the fun with great prizes and giveaways. One hour of release time has been approved by the Office of the President with supervisor approval.
For more information, email, like Boise State Health Fair 2016 on Facebook, or follow @healthfair2016 on Twitter and Instagram.