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Telecommuting Procedures

Telecommuting permits the employee to work from a location other than the University. Telecommuting can be used by both the University and an employee to more effectively manage time, space, and workload. Telecommuting does not include flextime, responding to emails/messages from home, or occasional out-of-office work assignments.

Out-of-State Tax, Unemployment and Worker’s Compensation

There may be specific tax, unemployment and workers compensation compliance issues related to the employment of individuals who reside and who regularly work for the University outside the State of Idaho. Departments should be aware that, while atypical, working through these issues may take up to eight weeks depending upon the jurisdiction in which the employee will be working.

Out of state employees are not covered by State of Idaho workers compensation and unemployment insurance policies. Additional expense incurred to cover out of state employees will be charged to the departments where they work.

International Telecommuting Prohibited

Boise State generally prohibits working remotely in an international location due to various compliance concerns. Departments with specific concerns related to international employment should consult with the Human Resources and Workforce Strategy team.

Telecommuting New Hire or Appointment Renewals

Departments hiring new employees or renewing existing appointments for telecommuters are encouraged to incorporate the procedural information in their recruitment materials and discussions with the selected candidate prior to appointment. Departments should advise Employment Services of their telecommute plans to ensure thorough communication and collaboration.

Telecommuting Agreements Renew Yearly

Telecommute agreements do not exceed one year. A new telecommute request needs to be submitted annually, or at any time there is a change in the agreement. Employees must notify anytime their work address changes. Supervisors and employees need to review the Telecommuting Guidelines.

Telecommuting Form Guidelines

Employees to fill out a telecommuting request, with supervisor approval, for Classified or Professional Employees who work at an Alternate Work Location within the State of Idaho for three (3) days or more per week, or 60% or more of an employee’s scheduled hours per week, or at a location outside the State of Idaho for thirty (30) days or more.

Submit a Telecommute Request Form

For questions email

Telecommuting Guidelines

Before telecommuting approval can be finalized, the employee must acknowledge understanding and agreement with the guidelines below.

  1. The employee understands that all obligations, responsibilities, terms and conditions of employment with the University remain unchanged, except those obligations and responsibilities specifically addressed in the telecommuting agreement.
  2. The employee will ensure compliance with all state and University rules, policies, practices, standards and procedures related to university-provided equipment and software as outlined in the University’s Policies and Procedures at Policy: Information Technology and employment expectations as outlined in the Boise State University policy manual.
  3. The employee and the University agree and understand that the telecommuting agreement may be terminated at the request of either party. The request must be made in written form and must provide, at a minimum, a fifteen (15) working day notice. All equipment, records, materials, and supplies are to be returned in good condition and within five (5) working days of termination of a telecommuting agreement.
  4. Changes to an employee’s work schedule or additional hours involving overtime (applicable for hourly, overtime eligible employees only) at any work site must be approved in advance by the supervisor.
  5. Vacation, sick leave, medical appointments or overtime (if applicable) shall be requested and approved by the supervisor.
  6. The employee agrees to remain accessible during designated work hours, and understands that management retains the right to modify telecommuting status on a temporary basis as a result of business necessity. Employees that do not have designated work hours must acknowledge work related communications within a reasonable time frame.
  7. The employee agrees that s/he will not telecommute from a location where s/he has distractions that would hamper his/her ability to work productively.
  8. The employee agrees to maintain a safe and secure work environment and to report work-related injuries to the supervisor at the earliest reasonable opportunity.
  9. The employee agrees to hold the University harmless for damages to real or personal property or injury to others that may occur at the alternate work site. The employee agrees to use the University’s owned records and materials (electronic or hard copy) for purposes of university business only, and to protect them against unauthorized or accidental access, use, modification, duplication, destruction, or disclosure and to return records in their original condition within specified timeframes. The employee agrees to report to the supervisor instances of loss, damage, or unauthorized access at the earliest reasonable opportunity.
  10. The employee understands that all records, equipment and materials provided by the University shall remain the property of the University.
  11. The employee understands that in the event of a violation of University rules, policies, practices, standards or procedures this agreement may be immediately terminated by Boise State University.

Download Printable Telecommuting Guidelines