Summary Reports
How PAR Reports will be Shared
Boise State has incorporated its process for program review and has, in the tradition of academic scholarship, added peer review for Program Assessment Reports (PAR). After reports are completed and submitted by May 1, teams of faculty will provide peer review to the departments. Reviewers, working in interdisciplinary triads, will apply a standard rubric to each report and generate a response for each department. The intent is to accurately identify the strengths and weaknesses of the assessment reports and processes for our peers. Ultimately, programs will have clearer visions of needed improvements for teaching and learning to provide an ever-better degree for our students.
Once the reviews are completed, feedback reports will be shared with the departments/programs.  Part of the process includes a feedback loop with a departmental response to the evaluation due November 1.  What might the responses include?  For example, if action has already been taken on questions during the review process, the program can document that.  Or, if there is a misunderstanding of the report information, clarification can be offered.
Because the PAR process is part of our accreditation responsibilities, a summary of the data will be included in our accreditation report. That report is available to the campus, however, the level of detail is limited for most programs. Â We’ll be highlighting a few programs and sharing those with NWCCU evaluators, as we have done in the past. Â Prior reports are available for anyone who would like to review them.