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Department of Anthropology PLOs

Anthropology BS

  1. Graduates will be able to identify and explain core concepts in anthropology, particularly regarding the evolution and ecology of human behavior. These concepts should include: forces of evolution, principles of genetic inheritance, Tinbergen’s explanatory levels, comparative primate and hominid physiological and behavioral traits, human universals and cultural diversity, and the four hallmarks (fieldwork, cultural relativism, holism, and human evolutionary ecology).
  2. Graduates will be able to describe and assess the scientific methods and research techniques employed in anthropology. Capabilities include: evaluating primary literature relative to the history of scientific thought, identifying and explaining hypotheses and how they relate to theory, identifying and explaining data collection methodology, and anthropological ethics.
  3. Graduates will be able to apply anthropological concepts and use critical thinking to effectively communicate and evaluate scientific concepts and research. Capabilities include: evaluation of the scientific literature, including theoretical relevance, description and assessment of methods, and reasoned evaluation of conclusions; written summaries of alternative approaches to an anthropological question considering the evidence for and against; and an oral presentation accompanied by visual displays.
  4. Graduates will prepare to apply anthropological knowledge, skills, and values to professional pursuits. Capabilities include: drafting a CV/resume, writing a letter of introduction for graduate school or a cover letter for employment, providing constructive peer review, and identifying and explaining to other the value and limits of a relativistic perspective on the human experience.

Anthropology MA

  1. MA graduates will be able to discuss, explain, interpret and evaluate fundamental theoretical principles and major areas of research in Anthropology.
  2. MA graduates will be able to assess and critique significant methods and theories in Anthropology.
  3. MA graduates will be able to design, execute, and communicate an original research project in Anthropology using appropriate field methods and analytical techniques in order to answer a research question following the hypothetico-deductive method.

Applied Anthropology MAA

  1. MAA graduates will be able to discuss, explain, interpret and evaluate fundamental theoretical principles and major areas of research in Anthropology.
  2. MAA graduates will be able to assess and critique significant methods and theories in their emphasis of choice.
  3. MAA graduates will demonstrate professional competence planning and conducting impactful independent projects appropriate to their emphasis of choice.
  4. MAA graduates will demonstrate professional competence creating deliverables appropriate to their emphasis of choice in a manner responsive to the needs of their project stakeholders.