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COAS-Owned Programs and their PLOs

Associate of Arts (AA) and Science (AS)

No program learning outcomes.

Associate of Arts (AA) and Science (AS) Online

No program learning outcomes.

First-Year Writing Program (ENL 101, 102)

  1. Read, interpret, and communicate key concepts in writing and rhetoric
  2. Use flexible writing process strategies to generate, develop, revise, edit, and proofread texts
  3. Use reflection and self-evaluation to connect choices they have made in texts to audiences and purposes for which texts are intended
  4. Use appropriate conventions for surface-level language and style
  5. Adopt strategies and genres appropriate to the rhetorical situation
  6. Use inquiry-based strategies to drive informal research and reflection
  7. Use inquiry-based strategies to conduct research that explores multiple and diverse ideas and perspectives, appropriate to the rhetorical context
  8. Use rhetorically appropriate strategies to evaluate, represent, and respond to the ideas and research of others
  9. Address readers’ biases and assumptions with well-developed evidence-based reasoning
  10. Use appropriate conventions for integrating, citing, and documenting source material as well as for surface-level language and style

Interdisciplinary Studies BA BS

  1. Analyze and understand the interconnections of your three academic areas (minors, certificates)
  2. Discover and identify the skills and competencies within interdisciplinary studies
  3. Articulate the value of the unique connections, skills, and experiences from your studies
  4. Apply the knowledge and competencies of your three areas to relevant context, issues, and opportunities

Interdisciplinary Studies MA MS

  1. The IDS student will plan and justify an individualized program of study that successfully integrates course work from two or more academic areas and that identifies learning outcomes and assessment measures.
  2. Specialized Knowledge: Articulates significant challenges involved in practicing interdisciplinary fields of study.
  3. Specialized Knowledge: Integrates knowledge and practice through an interdisciplinary project that lies outside conventional boundaries.
  4. Intellectual Skills: Constructs arguments on principal ideas, techniques or methods at the forefront of interdisciplinary fields of study in carrying out an essay or project..
  5. Intellectual Skills: Evaluates the information base within interdisciplinary fields of study through papers, projects, notebooks, computer files or catalogs.
  6. Intellectual Skills: Articulates and investigates interdisciplinary issues in the field(s) of study by raising and examining relevant perspectives through a project, paper, or performance.
  7. Intellectual Skills: Identifies, chooses and defends the choice of a research model appropriate to a problem in the arts and humanities, social sciences or applied sciences.
  8. Intellectual Skills: Creates sustained, coherent arguments or explanations summarizing his/her interdisciplinary work.
  9. Applied Learning: Creates an interdisciplinary project, paper, exhibit, performance or other appropriate demonstration reflecting the integration of knowledge acquired in practicum, work, community or research activities with knowledge and skills gleaned from at least two fields of study in different segments of the curriculum.