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Greetings from Career Services

After 25 years, the Career Center will be changing its name to Career Services. While this name change may seem subtle, the reasons behind the change mark a significant shift in the way Boise State students are supported. Career-related goals land within the top five reasons why students choose to invest in a college education. However, once they get to campus, they often find that career planning and preparation support is not necessarily built into their educational experience, but something they must independently seek out.

Everyone at Career Services is working hard to level the playing field for all of students and take their knowledge, resources and services to where students are – in the classroom and often other spaces across campus. While employees will always be available to support our students one-on-one, Career Services also is focused on scaling its services through supporting the efforts of faculty and staff who are more connected with students.

This name change reflects the fact that there is no “center,” but a group of subject matter experts, consultants, partners and embedded career educators. Career Services, will continue to increase its focus on supporting career readiness efforts in academic and student services units across campus.

Throughout the next couple of months, the name change from the Career Center to Career Services will formally take place. Career Services requests help from the campus community with updating department websites and written materials in the following ways:

1. Please change any references from Career Center to Career Services.

2. If there are references to BroncoJobs, please change those references to “Handshake” and direct those references to the following site:

3) If there are any mentions of Make College Count! please remove those as well. In an effort to reduce departmental messaging to students and move towards common university language, this tagline has been retired.

4) Be aware that all URLs have changed due to the website migration, so departments should double check any links on their pages that direct to the Career Services website. Please reach out to a Career Services liaison, or email for assistance in locating the new version of the previously linked to page.

Career Services looks forward to continuing to serve students in its office when that is convenient for them, and looks forward to working with campus partners to bring career education into the classroom, and other places and spaces where the students are.

– By Debbie Kaylor