Electrification is changing the energy landscape of the Mountain West, and infrastructure upgrade and supply chain development will be a key driver for this new economy. Register today for a March 18-19 workshop at Boise State University on the latest technological developments and its future directions.
Registration closes March 14. Register for the event here.
The workshop will serve as a forum for industry, utility companies, academic and government researchers to discuss energy storage and potential major applications. These include low-carbon electric mobility, integrating renewable electricity into the grid, replacing gas turbine peaker plants, and ensuring grid reliability and resilience.
The workshop will feature interactive sessions, including networking, talks and question-and-answer dialogues. A reception and poster session March 18 will offer additional networking opportunities for those traveling to the meeting. Featured posters will include chemical and other forms of energy storage and their applications in many fields, including the electric grid and transportation electrification.
For more information about the agenda, please visit: https://www.boisestate.edu/caes/
This event is co-hosted by Idaho National Laboratory and the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR) at Argonne National Laboratory. JCESR is an energy innovation hub sponsored by the Department of Energy designed to leapfrog current energy storage technology by developing transformational materials that can be mixed and matched to build a diversity of next-generation batteries.