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Center for Teaching and Learning to offer Faculty Learning Communities in spring

The CTL will offer a variety of Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) in the spring semester. These FLCs provide faculty opportunities to engage in community around shared interests or questions. See below for a summary of these offerings, as well as links for more information and to apply.

The Adjunct Faculty Learning Community (ALFC) is designed to address pedagogical questions that Adjunct Faculty may have and to help them build a community of fellow educators. The AFLC will also provide opportunities for Adjunct Faculty to reflect on what they have learned about teaching. Participants will attend four cohort meetings, two CTL workshops and have a Mid-Semester Assessment done for their course. Participants who complete all aspects of the AFLC will receive a $200 stipend.

The Designing for Student Success Faculty Learning Community (DSSFLC) is for faculty who teach courses critical for student success. There are seven 120 minute bi-weekly sessions, January through April 2021. Participants develop a plan for incorporating student success strategies in one or more Fall 2021 classes. At the end of Fall 2021 they will submit a post implementation reflection document. A $500 stipend will be awarded to each DSSFLC participant upon completion of the deliverables.

The Inclusive Excellence Faculty Learning Community (IEFLC) supports faculty efforts to address equity, inclusion, and diversity at the course level. Participants will meet 9 times over the course of two semesters (7x spring, 2x in the fall) to assess resources on inclusive excellence in the classroom and apply principles of inclusive excellence to pedagogical and course design choices. A $600 stipend will be awarded to each IEFLC participant upon completion of the deliverables.

The Service-Learning Scholarship Faculty Learning Community (SLFLC) is designed for faculty who want to write an article about their service-learning experience for publication. Faculty who have service-learning (SL) experience, as well as faculty new to SL, can use the SLFLC to design a service-learning research project to further their research/publication goals. There are six 90-minute weekly sessions from 12:30-2 p.m. Wednesdays, Feb. 3-March 10. Upon completion of deliverables, participants receive a $300 stipend.

The new Keith and Catherine Stein Luminary offers a unique medium in teaching and research visualization. In order for the Luminary to achieve its full potential, faculty and students need to be involved in the creation and production of exhibitions that will stimulate their learning outcomes. The Stein Luminary FLC will support efforts of up to 10 faculty to create course-related content and interactive exhibitions to be shown in the Stein Luminary. There are six 90-minute bi-weekly meetings (five from March to April, one in August), as well as a proposal for a project/course integration. Participants receive s $300 stipend.