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Strategic plan updates from academic year 2022-2023

The following is a summary of reporting on year two of the implementation of the university’s strategic plan, Blueprint for Success, from Co-Chairs of the University Strategic Planning Council Zeynep Hansen and Andrew Finstuen. Some links are only available to those with Boise State credentials. 

Academic year 2022-2023 marked “year two” of the implementation of Boise State’s strategic plan, Blueprint for Success. The campus community deserves special recognition and thanks for the ongoing work and creativity that every division and unit has put forward in response to the plan. The achievements of the past year demonstrate the significance of aligning effort on behalf of the plan’s vision “to become a premier student-success driven research university innovating for statewide and global impact.”

The positive stewardship of Boise State reflects the many accomplishments of every unit and division on campus to realize the five goals of Blueprint. The details of this work is available through divisional reporting, college reporting and athletics reporting. Many of those contributions support several key enterprise-level initiatives to advance the university that rely on collaboration across the university’s six divisions and athletics. They include, but are not limited to: continued growth in enrollment, including stable online enrollment; progress on the Strategic Enrollment and Retention Plan (SERP); record-breaking research production; record-breaking philanthropic contributions; a strategic and refreshed branding and digital strategy; new academic programming; the JED campus initiative, a grant-supported initiative for student emotional health; and technological platforms to streamline both student financials and student success. Of additional note is the fact that various units and divisions also discontinued certain actions or programs that proved less efficient or less relevant to the strategic plan. That is a best practice of strategic planning, focusing organizations and helping them stop as well as start programs and initiatives.

The academic enterprise of Boise State delivered through the Office of the Provost, the colleges, schools, the library, and extended studies submitted strategic plans in May 2022 in support of Blueprint. As noted earlier, those details can be found in the college reporting. Themes that cut across the activities of the colleges and supporting academic units include, but are not limited to: specific college enrollment plans; support and focus on underserved populations; experiential learning; career preparation; and new curriculum, programs, and degrees at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

In the coming academic year, the president and provost will visit the colleges and divisions to give a more formal update and to hear about all the great work happening in the various units across the university.