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Summer Math Institute Celebrates Fourth Year

Image of teachers lined up with text "At what age did you decide to become a teacher?" at top and an age range 0-50 at the bottom, with teachers in corresponding lines.
Image of teachers lined up with the text “At what age did you decide to become a teacher?” at top and an age range 0-50 at the bottom, with teachers in corresponding lines.

From reading sheet music, to building skyscrapers, to determining the probability of a desired outcome, mathematics are central to life. For children grades 6-12 who are still discovering the principles, formulas and functions that will shape their futures, an innovative, creative and engaging mathematics education is critical.

Enter the Boise State Summer Math Institute. For the past three years, the Center for School Improvement, with support from math faculty in Boise State’s College of Arts and Sciences and faculty from the curriculum, instruction and foundational studies department in the College of Education, have been enriching the professional lives of about 400 Idaho mathematics educators by offering a yearly summer institute. In turn, this impacts tens of thousands of students in Idaho.

Through Modeling and Data Analysis Literacy (MoDAL) workshops and offerings from the Regional Math Center, local math teachers have found the program to have a significant impact on their success in teaching.

“MoDAL was the injection I needed to catalyze a change in my approach to teaching math,” said Joshua Mcconnell, a participating teacher with the Boise School District. “It challenged me as a professional to redefine my role as a teacher to a facilitator of learning. My students are more engaged and more willing to try challenging problems.”

This year, the fourth annual Boise State Math Institute will be held from Jun. 17-20, and will support 140 Idaho math educators. Funding for the Summer Math Institute comes from the Idaho State Department of Education and Idaho State Legislature.

“We are proud to offer high-quality mathematics professional development to teachers in Idaho. Providing teachers with an opportunity to learn, collaborate, and reflect improves retention in the profession, and student learning and achievement,” said Michele Carney, an associate professor of mathematics education.