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New and revised campus policies

Several new and revised campus policies recently were approved. For questions about a policy, please contact Angie Zirschky, policy director and acting compliance investigator, at (208) 426-3098 or, or the responsible party listed in the policy, or visit the Policy website for more information.

New Policies Approved

Alcoholic Beverages (1055) – Approved 11/05/2020. New policy developed establishing the permissible possession, consumption, sale, and service of alcoholic beverages on campus and at other University-sponsored or affiliated events. This policy also describes the requirements for sponsorship and advertising by businesses that serve, provide, sell, market, manufacture, or distribute alcoholic beverages.

Emeritus Faculty (4280) – Approved 10/30/2020. Emeritus status for faculty was previously covered under University Policy 7480 (Emeriti Faculty and Staff Appointment and Privileges). This new policy applies only to faculty and provides a process that includes criteria for awarding faculty emeritus status based on a recommendation from the faculty member’s department; approval by the department chair, dean, and Provost; and demonstrated meritorious service to the University. The policy also amends the eligibility for years of service from 15 years to 10 years and allows an adjunct faculty member to request emeritus status if recommended by their department.

Faculty Workload Release Plan (4700) – Approved 11/03/2020. This new policy replaces the workload release portions previously contained in University Policy 7265. No changes were made to the eligibility requirements or the workload release plan benefits received by faculty under this policy.

Proper Funds Management (6380) – Approved 11/05/2020. New policy developed to establish guidelines for properly managing the University’s financial data by ensuring that transactions are coded to the correct funding source when first incurred and that a timely review of financial expenditures is conducted to prevent the need for correcting entries.

Paid Parental Leave (7610) – Approved 11/03/2020. New policy developed in response to the Families First Act, Executive Order 2020-03, which provides eight (8) weeks of paid parental leave to eligible employees for the birth or adoption of a child. For faculty, this policy replaces University Policy 7265 (Faculty Leave for Birth/Adoption and Teaching Workload Release Plan).

Revised Policies Approved

Alcohol Beverage Permitting (1050) – Revised 11/05/2020. Policy revised bringing it into alignment with Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Section I.J.2. Under Section 4.1.C – Invitation or Admission Price Requirements, language requiring tickets, registration, or an invitation for a permitted event was removed; Section 4.1.1H – Prohibition on Use of Alcohol Companies for Event Sponsorship Promotion was deleted; under Section 4.1.1J – Event Organization and Insurance, the insurance coverage amounts were increased from $500,000 per occurrence to $1,000,000 minimum coverage per occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate; under Sections 4.2.2A – Concerts and 4.2.2B – Conferences, Weddings, or Other Events, language was removed requiring an exclusive catering/concessions contract with the University; and under Section 4.2.2E.b. – Tailgating, language was removed stating that announcing the availability of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Use of University Space (1100) – Revised 11/04/2020. Policy revised adding Section 4.12 – Sponsored Use of University Space. This language establishes the criteria and authorization process for determining when University departments and University-recognized student organizations may sponsor third party use of University spaces and services for the purpose of University-sponsored events.

Emeritus Classified and Professional Employees (7480) – Revised 11/03/20. Policy revised removing faculty from the policy scope. Faculty emeritus status is now covered under University Policy 4280. The years of service requirement was changed from 15 years to 10 years, and the application and approval process was updated under Section 3.2.

Pedestrians and Bicycles, Skateboards, and Other Personal Conveyance Vehicles (9010) – Revised 11/04/2020. Policy revised changing the Pedestrian Priority Zone hours from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to better align with busy pedestrian traffic during peak class times. The definition for Personal Conveyance Vehicle under Section 3.3 was updated to include E-bicycles and E-skateboards; under Section 4.3, language was updated to prohibit University fleet vehicles and other automobiles (including vendor automobiles) from accessing Pedestrian Priority Zones, except for emergencies or as reasonably required and scheduled in advance; under Section 4.1.6, the campus speed limit of 15 mph was added; under Section 4.1.1, an audible warning section for overtaking and passing a pedestrian was added replacing the previous language requiring riders to not come within less than three (3) feet of a pedestrian without dismounting; and under Section 4.5, language was added clarifying the sanctions for violations.

University Vehicles (9040) – Revised 11/06/2020. Policy revised adding language to Section 4.2 – Operational Guidelines, prohibiting University fleet vehicles from accessing pedestrian priority zones except for emergencies or when scheduled in advance.

Communicable Disease (9270) – Revised 11/03/2020. Policy revised updating the definition for Close Contact under Section 3.5 per CDC guidelines; under Section 3.1, novel viruses was added to the list of communicable diseases that may pose a serious threat to the health and safety of the campus community; the definition for isolate/isolation or quarantine under Section 3.8 was updated to match the definition on the CDC website, and Under Section 4.3, the language was revised to state that the Public Health Office and the Executive Director for University Health Services serve as the chief advisors to the President on all health matters affecting the campus community.