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About the School of Nursing

We need strong, compassionate nurses to meet today’s healthcare demands. Boise State delivers.

With state-of-the-art simulation education, focused clinical placement, and faculty dedicated to advancing the field through innovative solutions, Boise State University School of Nursing is the top-ranked bachelor’s program in Idaho. Our Bronco Nurse students learn to provide high-quality care and leadership throughout Idaho and beyond.


To be an innovative and transformative nursing program that shapes nursing practice and healthcare locally and beyond.


Develop outstanding nurse clinicians, scholars, educators, and leaders who will address the challenges of caring for all patients, families, and communities in a complex and diverse healthcare system via an exceptional learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity.


The concepts of the nursing paradigm – Person/Client, Health, Nursing, Environment, and Professional Nursing Education – are the guiding concepts for the art and science of nursing and the education of students.

SON Summary of Beliefs

Faculty and Staff

Our supportive faculty

are experienced educators who are passionate about helping students bridge nursing theory into practice. With a wide range of clinical and academic expertise, they provide interactive, meaningful educational opportunities for students learning online, in the classroom or in a clinical setting.

Our dedicated staff

provide high-touch services to students while supporting the coordination and promotion of our academic programs.

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