Remediation (Policy SON-15)
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Effective Date
Last Revision Date
Responsible Party
SON administration, Program Directors, faculty, and students.
Scope and Audience
School of Nursing administration and faculty, and students enrolled in the School of Nursing.
Additional Authority
BSU: Registration and Transcript Holds (Policy 3200), Student Code of Conduct (Policy 2020), Faculty Responsibility to Address Student Academic Misconduct (Policy 4180), CHS: Dismissal Policy
1. Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide a process by which program administration may respond to disruptive, unprofessional, or inappropriate student behavior. The policy may also be utilized to address academic performance. The SON remediation policy will create clarity in expectations, ensure courtesy and fairness in program response, and give opportunities for students to learn from the consequences of their behavior as deemed appropriate by the School of Nursing.
2. Policy Statement
Types of Violation
Students are expected to adhere to standards of conduct set forth in applicable policies at Boise State University, the College of Health Sciences, the School of Nursing, and the ANA Code of Ethics. Violation of any standard may be grounds for remediation or dismissal. Early, less stringent measures may be skipped for offenses such as, but not limited to, violation of academic probation, academic dishonesty, or egregious abuse of professional standards.
Progressive Remediation Steps
The following are steps of a progressive remediation, in consultation with the Program Director.
- Counseling or a verbal warning – Initial counseling event.
These can range from general discussions of deficiencies and improvements to an official verbal warning. These conversations and student acknowledgement of the same will be documented through official email correspondence or written summary of the discussion. Documentation will be placed in the student’s academic file in the School of Nursing. Student Success Plans are a viable way to document a first event.
- Student Success Plan/Written Warning – Second counseling event or failure to meet conditions of initial counseling/verbal warning.
Elements of a written warning shall include:
- a clear identification of the infraction
- date of the infraction
- restatement of previous verbal warnings
- specific action to be taken to correct behavior (student success plan)
- timeline for completion of the success plan
- statement of potential consequences if student fails to take corrective action and the next type of progressive remediation that may be issued
The warning and student acknowledgement of the same will be documented through official email correspondence or written summary of discussion. Documentation will be placed in the student’s academic file in the School of Nursing.
If the infraction is academic misconduct, faculty will complete the University Academic Misconduct report and submit it to the Boise State University Office of Student Affairs with a copy placed in the student file.
- Suspension or probation – Third counseling event or failure to meet conditions of written warning.
A student may be restricted from registration due to failure to fulfill an academic obligation under Boise State University Policy 3200 – Registration Holds. The Registrar’s office authorizes a hold to be placed on the student account.
The suspension or probation and student acknowledgement will be documented through official email correspondence or written summary of discussion by the faculty of record, Program Director and Divisional Dean and/or Associate Divisional Dean of the School of Nursing. Documentation will be placed in the student’s academic file in the School of Nursing.
- Dismissal – Fourth counseling event or failure to meet terms of suspension/probation.
Please refer to the SON Dismissal Policy.
Related Information
BSU: Registration and Transcript Holds (Policy 3200), Student Code of Conduct (Policy 2020), Faculty Responsibility to Address Student Academic Misconduct (Policy 4180)
CHS: Dismissal (Policy 315)
SON: Dismissal (Policy SON-16)
Last Review Date
Revision History