Student Behaviors and Actions (Policy SON-06)
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Effective Date
August 2007
Last Revision Date
Responsible Party
All students, faculty, administrators and staff in the School of Nursing.
Scope and Audience
All students in the School of Nursing.
Additional Authority
BSU: Student Code of Conduct (Policy 2020)
1. Policy Purpose
Boise State University strives to provide a culture of civility where its members feel safe to express themselves free from discrimination, harassment, threats, and intimidation. (See Boise State Student Code of Conduct – Policy 2020)
Student behaviors and/or performance should promote a healthy environment and not present a danger (or reasonable assumption of danger) to a student/person/client/ patient or jeopardize the license of a faculty or individual working with the student.
2. Policy Statement
The student behaviors included in this policy fall into four main categories including 1) imminent danger to self or others, 2) unsafe practice/unethical behavior, 3) code of conduct violations, and 4) at-risk student behaviors.
Process for Imminent Danger to Self and/or Others
If a student on the Boise State campus is deemed to pose an imminent danger to self or others (act or direct threat of violence), the person identifying this behavior should notify Campus Police immediately at 426-1453 or call 911 immediately. Examples of imminent danger include but are not limited to, verbal or physical threats to self or others, repeated obscenities, or unreasonable interference with the learning environment. If this behavior is noted off campus at a healthcare facility, the policy of that institution should be followed. If danger is suspected but not imminent, a Boise State notification to alert others of a potential problem may be made by filing a C.A.R.E.S. report at:
Process for Unsafe Practice/Unethical Behavior
At all times, student behavior and/or performance must be safe, ethical, and must not present a danger (or reasonable assumption of danger) to a person/client/patient or jeopardize the license of a faculty or nurse working with the student. Safe practice is judged by standards and codes such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) Scope and Standards of Nursing Practice, the Idaho Nurse Practice Act, and ANA Code of Ethics with Interpretive Statements. Students are expected to behave responsibly and they do not have the right to engage in behaviors that may harm and endanger other people, including patients/clients.
- Â If a student demonstrates unsafe/unethical practice, the faculty member making the assessment will meet/discuss with the student to talk about the situation; generally, within two (2) working days of the incident occurrence. Faculty must notify the appropriate Program Director who will then notify the Divisional Dean and Associate Divisional Dean/Chief Nurse Administrator of the School of Nursing of the incident. Based on the severity of the incident, the faculty member making the assertion in consultation with the Program Director, Divisional Dean and/or Chief Nurse Administrator/Associate Divisional Dean, may choose to remove the student from class or clinical for up to two days while the incident is investigated.
- A meeting with the student will be arranged. The faculty member making the assertion may choose to invite the Program Director. A representative from the Dean of Students is invited to attend to act as a neutral participant. The student can invite their faculty advisor/mentor and/or another support person to attend the meeting. However, the faculty advisor/mentor and support person may not participate without the approval of the faculty member making the assertion.
- During the meeting, a discussion will focus on the behavior(s) seen. The student will be provided with ample opportunity to give an explanation for the behavior exhibited. Notes on the meeting will be taken and a copy is distributed to all parties with a copy placed in the student’s file.
- A recommendation/decision by the faculty (with consultation from academic leadership and Dean of Students (DOS) office) is made generally within two (2) working days of the meeting. The student will be notified of the decision in writing via e-mail.
For unsafe/unethical behavior, decisions/recommendations may include one or more of the following:
- Decision of no sanctions. Dismissal of the situation with a report being maintained in the student file until the student graduates from the nursing program.
- Decision to develop a Student Success Plan with the student.
- Decision to refer the student to DOS for further assessment.
Student Duty to Disclose
Students enrolled in the nursing program have a continuing duty to disclose any relevant circumstances that may affect their ability to continue in the program. This could include any incident that could deem them inappropriate or unable to participate in clinical practicums. Examples include arrests or receiving a citation for a DUI or driving while impaired. It is the legal and ethical responsibility of the student to report potential issues to the Program Director within 48 hours of the incident.
Process for Code of Conduct Violation
Behaviors violating the Boise State University Student Code of Conduct affect the welfare and safety of students, faculty, and other members of the campus community. Such behaviors include, but are not limited to consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs, behaviors that have the potential of harming oneself and others, or behaviors deemed to be disruptive to the campus or off campus facility environment.
- If a student violates the Boise State University Student Code of Conduct, the faculty member making the assertion arranges a meeting with the student to discuss the situation generally within two (2) working days of the incident occurrence. The faculty member must notify the appropriate Program Director of the incident. Based on the severity of the incident, the faculty member making the assertion, in consultation with the Program Director and Associate Divisional Dean and with permission from the Divisional Dean, may choose to remove the student from class or clinical for up to two days while the incident is investigated.
- Removal of the student for longer than two class or clinical periods requires approval of the Dean of the College (See University Policy 2050). The faculty member making the assertion may choose to invite the Program Director or Chief Nurse Administrator to a meeting. A representative from the Dean of Students Office will be invited to attend to act as a neutral participant. A discussion of the behavior occurs among all parties. The student is provided with ample opportunity to give an explanation for the behavior exhibited. Notes on the meeting are taken and a copy is distributed to all parties, and a copy placed in the student file.
- A recommendation/decision by the faculty member (with consultation from academic leadership and DOS personnel) is made generally within two (2) working days of the meeting. The student is notified of the decision in writing via e-mail and a formal letter mailed to the student’s residence.
For a Code of Conduct Violation, Decisions/Recommendations Include:
- Decision of no sanctions. Dismissal of the situation with a report being maintained in the student file until the student graduates from the nursing program.
- Decision to develop a behavioral contract for the student.
- Decision to file a code of conduct report which may result in the University taking action such as:
- Recommendation/referral to an outside agency for further assessment (done in consultation with other campus officials). If the faculty member making the assertion believes there are extenuating circumstances surrounding the event, this instructor works with the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities to determine whether a referral to an outside agency is indicated.
- Removal of the student from course, and/or the Nursing Program and/or the University.
Process for Questionable Student Behavior
At times, a student demonstrates behavior(s) that does not fit clearly under the above categories (unsafe practice and/or code of conduct violations), yet the behaviors suggest that the student may experience academic failure or other negative outcomes. These behaviors include but are not limited to excessive absenteeism or absences without notice, a pattern of tardiness, late assignments with elaborate excuses for not meeting deadlines, deteriorating productivity, pervasive poor concentration, or difficulty making decisions, and forgetfulness. If faculty members observe these types of behaviors in students, they need to be addressed.
- If a student demonstrates such behaviors, the faculty member will contact the Program Director and, if indicated, Dean of Students. A C.A.R.E.S. report may be filed as well.
- The faculty member having a concern for the student will first discuss with their Program Director, then hold a meeting with the student as described above to discuss the situation generally within two (2) working days of the occurrence of the concern. A recommendation/decision by the faculty member (with consultation from academic leadership and Dean of Students) will be made generally within two (2) working days of the meeting. The student will be notified of the decision in writing via e-mail.
For at-risk student behavior, Decisions/Recommendations May Include:
- Decision of no sanctions. Dismissal of the situation with a report being maintained in the student file until the student graduates from the nursing program.
- Decision to develop a Student Success Plan for the student.
- Referral to the Dean of Students for follow-up and further evaluation.
Note: If the student is a nurse apprentice and is dismissed from the Program, the State Board of Nursing will be notified of the dismissal. If the student is a licensed nurse and drugs or alcohol is involved in the incident, the State Board of Nursing will be notified by the Program Director.
Related Information
BSU: Student Code of Conduct (Policy 2020)
CHS: None
SON: Student Expectations in Classroom Clinical and Skills-Lab Settings (Policy SON-07)
Last Review Date
Revision History
August 2007, Spring 2015, October 2021, 4/1/2022