If you become aware of a seriously ill or injured person, you should:

- Check the surrounding area for hazards; don’t rush into situations that could make you another victim
- Call 9-1-1 and report the emergency
- Be prepared to provide:
- Nature of the illness or injury
- Location of victim: Street address and room number
- Status of victim: conscious, breathing, bleeding
- Victim’s injury if known
- Hazardous materials involved
- Do not attempt to move the victim unless she/he is in danger of further injury
- Properly trained individuals should:
- Begin CPR if necessary
- Commence first aid, particularly to stop heavy bleeding, while waiting for further assistance
- If alcohol poisoning is suspected:
- Keep victim awake
- Turn on his/her side
- Contact Department of Public Safety at 208-426-6911
- Remain with the person until the police or emergency medical personnel arrive
If the injured person is a Boise State University employee, contact their supervisor as soon as possible. If it is after hours or on the weekend, call Department of Public Safety at 208-426-6911 and they can locate a specific faculty or staff member and leave them a message.
If you were the injured person, contact Risk Management at 208-426-3638 once you are able to in order to file a claim or document your work related injury.