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Event Security FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What defines a special event?

 A special event can be considered any type of function held on campus that is not considered part of the University’s academic mission. Some examples include, concerts, festivals, sporting events, shows, mass gatherings, races, demonstrations, dances, etc.

Who decides if my event requires security?

The Boise State University Department of Public Safety is responsible for working with event organizers to determine the necessary or appropriate security measures for each event on a case-by-case basis. Campus Security and Police Services may require certain security measures at events.

What criteria are used in evaluating the security needs of my event?

There are a number of criteria used in determining the safety and security needs of an event. While not a comprehensive list, some factors include:

  • Event Type (festival, concert, sporting event, sale or vending event, political event, student organization event, speaker, etc.)
  • Projected attendance
  • Location of event or venue
  • Access level (public event, ticketed event, invite only, etc.)
  • Health and safety concerns
  • Parking, transportation or traffic plans/impact
  • Any existing or planned security measures
  • Number of University staff that will be present
  • Other events taking place on campus
  • Prior negative contact with law enforcement by event organizers
  • Effect to normal campus operations and/or impact on the academic mission of the university

The Department of Public Safety reserves the right to use additional factors in determining the appropriate safety and security measures necessary at on campus events.

How can I request security, police, or EMS services at my event?

Event organizers, student groups, faculty, and staff my request public safety personnel by contacting the Department of Public Safety.

Whom do I need to inform of my intent to hold an event on campus?

Any group, organization, or individual that intends to hold or host an event on campus, should notify the Department of Public Safety. If possible, please give at least 30 days notice.

What event venues are available on campus?

There are numerous venues available on campus.

Campus Event Venues
Event Services
Morrison Center
Extra Mile Arena

How can I reserve a room or space on campus?

 You will need to contact the venue directly. Student groups can work through the Student Involvement Office to arrange space.

Event Services
Morrison Center
Extra Mile Arena
Student Involvement and Leadership

I have an Enhanced Concealed Weapons Permit (C.C.W.), can I carry my firearm to an on campus event?

Many if not most events on campus are held in venues that restrict the carrying of weapons regardless of your C.C.W. permit. For additional information on Weapons on Campus, please consult Boise State University policy and Idaho State law.

Weapons on Campus Information

What is the difference between Campus Security Officers and Police Officers?

Boise State University employees highly trained and professional unarmed, non-sworn Security Officers. Law enforcement services are provided to Boise State University under a contract with the City of Boise Police Department.

What if I want to arrange for my own security to work at my on campus event?

The use of any security or law enforcement personnel other than Boise State University Security Officers, City of Boise Police Officers or the universities’ preferred 3rd party security vendor must be approved by the Department of Public Safety. Outside law enforcement agencies, such as those providing dignitary protection services must coordinate with the Department of Public Safety prior to their arrival on campus. Firearms and other weapons are only authorized to be carried by sworn law enforcement officers with coordination and approval by the Department of Public Safety.

How do I arrange for parking at my event?

To arrange for special event parking, please complete an event parking request form or contact the Transportation and Parking team.