Video Transcript – Rave Guardian Safety App
Video Transcript
[Ryan Lawrence, Public Safety Coordinator, Boise State University]: Hi, my name is Ryan Lawrence. I’m the Public Safety Coordinator at the Department of Public Safety at Boise State. I’m also a member of the team that administers our campus safety app, Rave Guardian. I would encourage all students, faculty, and staff to download this app and play a more proactive role in Campus Safety.
[Female student]: Did you ever wish you had someone watching out for you when you were traveling on and around campus? You probably know about all the emergency blue light phones on campus that allow you to call Boise State Public Safety or 911, but did you know Boise State has a safety app that can act as your guardian or mobile blue light emergency phone? It is called Rave Guardian and it is available for free to all Boise State students, faculty, and staff on your iPhone or Android. Rave Guardian allows me to set a safety timer when I want someone to know when I’m walking across campus, especially at night. This cutting-edge technology allows me to select and assign family, friends, or the Public Safety Communications Center to be my guardian while the timer is on. None of my personal information is displayed until the timer goes off, and then my guardian receives an alert with my location on a map and contact information. Additionally, I can contact Public Safety just by pushing a panic alarm. This action sends my location to the Communication Center, along with dialing the Center. Even if I am unable to speak, the Communication Center will immediately send an officer to check on me. Depending on the detail of the information I load into the app’s database, emergency responders will have my information as they respond to my location. Finally, I can send the Communication Center a crime alert tip by text message. This is useful if I see something that looks suspicious on campus or I want to anonymously report potentially threatening behavior or policy violations on campus. Once again Boise State Public Safety will send an officer to check out my tip, allowing me to remain anonymous.
[Ryan Lawrence]: This is an important tool for the campus community and the students living around Boise State to use to play a more proactive role in their campus safety. You can report an occurring incident or a potential incident that could harm your safety or the campus community by contacting Boise State Public Safety.