Verify Enrollment and Degrees
Enrollment Verification
For currently enrolled students who require an enrollment verification for employment, insurance, loan deferments, or other purposes, this can be printed from your myBoiseState account. This is a free service to currently enrolled students. Log in to your myBoiseState and select the Enrollment Verification link. This authenticates you to the National Student Clearinghouse Student Self-Service Site through a secure connection. Click on the service or information that you require and print. When finished, close the Clearinghouse window and return to the myBoiseState page.
Students who have not been issued a U.S. Social Security number may obtain an enrollment verification in person from the Registrar’s Office.
Third Party Enrollment Verification
For third parties interested in enrollment verification for a student who has a U.S. issued Social Security number, please contact the National Student Clearinghouse.
Past enrollment can be verified from September 2001 to present. Enrollment prior to September of 2001 will need to be verified through the Boise State Registrar’s Office either by fax to (208) 426-3169, or by mail to Registrar’s Office, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725-1365. For enrollment after September 2001, the Clearinghouse will provide updated enrollment information on behalf of Boise State provided that the requestor certifies that the individual has applied for or received products, services, or employment that depends on verification of enrollment.
Third Party Degree Verification
For third parties interested in degree verification for a student who has a U.S. issued Social Security number, please contact the National Student Clearinghouse.
Degrees earned prior to September of 2001 will need to be verified through the Boise State Registrar’s Office either by fax to (208) 426-3169, or by mail to Registrar’s Office, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725-1365. For degrees earned after September 2001, the Clearinghouse will provide updated degree information on behalf of Boise State provided that the requestor certifies that the individual has applied for or received products, services, or employment that depends on verification of degree.
National Clearinghouse Contact Information
You may contact the Clearinghouse at or you access more information on the National Student Clearinghouse webpage. They can also be contacted by phone at (703) 742-4200, or by mail at National Student Clearinghouse, 13454 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300, Herndon, Virginia, 20171. Faxes can be directed to (703) 742-4239.