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Congratulations Matt on the mentoring award!

Matt Holding was awarded UNR’s Postdoctoral Award in Exceptional Mentoring. He is being recognized for his contribution of genomics and bioinformatics skills to his community.

A highlight from Matt’s nomination letter:

One of Matt’s mentees eloquently summarizes the meaning of mentorship and how Matt fully embodies these exceptional qualities: “When learning something new, I like to think of it as climbing a mountain. On your own, you’ll learn new tricks to get up the mountain faster, and maybe even use tools, like a ladder to reach the summit. Some researchers carry their ‘ladders’ up the mountain as they go, and others leave their ladders behind so that people can get up the mountain easier. Matt has left the ladder down for many people to learn something new. It inspires me, as a mentor, to do the same.

Way to go Matt!