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Gray to present at international music education conference in Finland

Dr. Lori Gray

Lori Gray, an associate professor and Director of Music Education in the Department of Music, will present research at The International Society for Music Education World Conference in Helsinki, Finland, this coming July.

Gray will deliver four presentations, including paper presentations on “Music Teachers: Stories of Resilience in Education” and “The Lives of Two Music Teachers: Love, Music, Faith and Family,” as well as a workshop centered on “Personal Creative Practice for Sustainability in Music Education.”

Gray will also co-present a poster presentation titled “Rethinking our Approach to Teaching and Learning in Music Education” alongside two Treasure Valley K-12 teachers, Amy Wickstrom and Aimee Atkinson.

Alongside these research presentations, Gray will also participate in a panel paper presentation for contributing authors to the upcoming book, “Music Teaching and Learning in America’s Public Normal Schools.” Gray has authored two chapters in the forthcoming 2024 release from Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Company: “The Music Course Offerings, Degrees and Certifications of Twelve American Normal Schools” and “Jubilee Singing in Black Normal Schools.”

The International Society for Music Education is an organization that includes music educators from over 80 countries. ISME is the premiere international organization for music education. On the opportunity to participate in the 2024 World Conference, Gray says, “The networking, forward-thinking conversations, and collaborations available through this international conference allow me to expand my research opportunities and to reconceptualize my teaching in profound ways.”

This international research presentation opportunity was supported in part by the School of the Arts, College of Arts and Sciences and the Boise State Division of Research and Economic Development. For more information on the ISME, please visit their website at