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Hiring Guidelines for Permanent Lecturers

Effective July 2016

Pre-Search Administrative Procedures

Program coordinators/department chairs work with the administrative assistant assigned to SPS faculty hiring to complete the paperwork needed for re-filling a vacant position (ROF) or establishing a new position (BPAR).

Once the hire is approved, program coordinators/department chairs (in consultation with the Dean’s office) draft ads/position descriptions in the spring/summer prior to the regular search cycle.  Draft ads are forwarded to the search committee chair by August 15, and the ad is finalized by the search committee.

The Dean’s office appoints search committee chairs in the summer prior to the regular search cycle.

By August 15, the search committee chair is responsible for forming the search committee.  The hiring program/department’s coordinator/chair will forward to the search committee chair three faculty member names, which will constitute the three faculty members from the hiring department/program.  The chair will fill the remaining spot with a faculty member from a program/department other than the hiring program/department.  This individual may be an SPS appointment without a direct affiliation with another program/department.

Search committee chairs and the administrative assistant assigned to SPS faculty hiring will utilize HR’s “Faculty Hiring Process” steps as delineated at

Search Committee Composition

Search committees in the School of Public Service are comprised of (1) a non-voting search committee chair appointed by the Dean, (2) three faculty members from the hiring program/department, serving as representatives of the hiring program/department, (3) one faculty member from a program/department other than the hiring program/department or an SPS faculty member without a direct program/department affiliation.  Search committee members may be tenured/tenure-track faculty or permanent lecturers.  At least one permanent lecturer shall be a member of the search committee.

Search committee chairs are tenured/tenure-track faculty, and are non-voting members of the committee, affiliated with the School of Public Service, but do not have direct responsibilities in the hiring program/department.

Search Process

The search committee chair and the hiring program/department’s coordinator/chair will work collaboratively to ensure that reasonable discipline-specific timelines are met, including the publishing of the job ad and the creation of a short list of candidates for on-site interviews at Boise State.

The search committee chair will be assisted in all phases of the search process by the SPS administrative assistant assigned to the faculty hiring process.

The initial meeting of the search committee will be the “Charge Meeting,” where the Dean and/or Associate Dean define the expectations for the search and ensure that the search is in line with the program/department/School’s mission and vision.

The search committee will establish a reasonable timeline for initial review of applicants and create a list of 7 to 10 candidates (long, short list) for review and comments by other SPS faculty, based on qualifications stated in the job ad.  At the discretion of the search committee, phone interviews/Skype interviews may take place with these candidates.

Once input has been received by SPS faculty, the search committee will create short list of 2-3 candidates for on-campus interviews.

On Campus Interviews

When possible, on campus interviews for lecturers will be one- or two day visits, which may include interviews with faculty members from the hiring department/program, interviews with other SPS faculty, an interview with the dean and/or associate dean, a teaching demonstration, a group interview with students, when appropriate, a group interview with advisory board members/government agency/personnel, a campus tour, city tour and an exit interview with the search committee.

The search committee chair will work with the administrative assistant assigned to faculty hiring to create the itineraries of candidates coming to Boise State for on-site interviews.

Post Campus Interviews

At the conclusion of all interviews (or after each interview, at the discretion of the search committee), feedback will be solicited from SPS faculty/staff about each candidate.

Using SPS feedback and their own assessments, search committee members deliberate and provide a rank ordered list of acceptable candidates to the Dean, School of Public Service.  The search committee may recommend that one or more candidates are not acceptable.  A brief statement of reasons as to the rank ordered list is required.

The Hire

The ultimate hiring decision will be made by the Dean of the School of Public Service, relying heavily on the rank ordered list provided by the search committee.

Once a hire has been made, the Dean will first notify the chair or coordinator of the hiring department/program, then the search committee members, then the entire School.