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Ph.D. Student Research Grant Application


In a Word document, answer all of the following questions using language appropriate for a general audience of reviewers (e.g., avoid jargon and unexplained acronyms). Applicants are encouraged to carefully read the Fact Sheet for this program first (available on the Research Committee’s website). Once complete, your application must be submitted by the appropriate deadline (November 15, March 1st) to The Research Committee expects to announce award decisions within two weeks of each deadline.

Incomplete applications or applications not following the guidelines and format will not be considered for funding. Please direct questions to Libby Lunstrum (

  1. Applicants: PhD student name and email and Faculty advisor name, rank, and email.
  2. Project Title
  3. Is this a revise and resubmission of a previous award submission? If yes, provide a detailed explanation of how you have addressed the Research Committee’s feedback from the previous submission (approximately 250-500 words).
  4. If you have received a research grant from this committee before, please describe how the funding was used and what the outcome of the project was (approximately 250 words).
  5. Describe the scholarly activity for which you seek support, including the merit, methodology, and potential academic impact of this project (approximately 250-500 words). 
  6. Identify any institutional partners for this project. If partners are also funding and/or matching, please make note.
  7. Describe how this funding would provide leverage for future academic research or activity. Be sure to identify clearly the specific scholarly products and impacts that will likely result from this award (approximately 250 words).
  8. Provide a detailed budget including accurate amounts for each budget item and an explanatory paragraph justifying all expenditures. Refer to the Fact Sheet for this program to be sure your proposed expenditures are consistent with eligible items. Next, identify your budget priorities in the event the Committee is able to fund some but not all of your request. 
  9.  Institutional Review Board: Is IRB approval required? (Yes or No). It is the faculty member’s responsibility to comply with the policies established by Boise State University and the Institutional Review Board.
  10. Attach a current CV for both the PhD student and the faculty advisor. In addition, the faculty advisor must submit a short letter of support that endorses the project.