Happy Veterans Day. To our soldiers past and present–thank you for your service!
One of the more recent additions to the School of Public Service is our Ph.D. program in Public Policy and Administration.
The School of Public Service Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary program that prepares students to be senior-level leaders in public service fields such as government agencies, non-profit organizations and applied research environments. It is designed for full-time students and working professionals seeking enhanced policy analysis skills. While some of our graduates go on to academic careers, we work hard to ensure all of our graduates acquire skills needed to find solutions to complex real-world problems.
In this issue of Public Interest, we’ll introduce you to faculty, alumni and current students of our Ph.D. program. We’ll visit with our program’s director on a range of ideas. You’ll meet current students who are applying their creativity to public policy issues. And you’ll also meet a recent alumnus who discusses rural leadership, his research on child abuse reporting laws, and even his research on the art and science of happiness.
The problems we are facing are complex and difficult. But we’re confident that our faculty, staff and Ph.D. students are doing the hard work of tackling these and other public policy issues. Working, as always, in the public interest.
Thanks for reading,
Andrew Giacomazzi
Interim Dean, School of Public Service
Boise State University