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Post Doctoral Research Scholars

Research Scholars

  • Madison Stevens

    Madison (Maddi) Stevens

    Post Doctoral Research Scholar

    Research Interests: Community-led biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration, rights-based approaches to environmental governance, rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, forest governance, human-wildlife coexistence, political ecology, mountain systems, community forestry, protected area management and governance, knowledge co-production and multiple evidence-based approaches, mixed methods social science research

    Bio: Madison (Maddi) Stevens is a social scientist interested in community-led biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, and human-wildlife coexistence. She earned her Ph.D. from the Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability, University of British Columbia, where her research focused on environmental decision-making in the contexts of community forest governance in the Indian Himalayas and nonprofit conservation planning in Canada. She currently holds a position as an NSF Postdoctoral Research Scholar, working with Dr. Libby Lunstrum and Dr. Matt Williamson to study Blackfoot-led buffalo restoration on the Rocky Mountain Front, drawing on insights from interviews, Elder dialogues, and geospatial analyses.

    Research Interests: Community-led biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration, rights-based approaches to environmental governance, rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, forest governance, human-wildlife coexistence, political ecology, mountain systems, community forestry, protected area management and governance, knowledge co-production and multiple evidence-based approaches, mixed methods social science research

    Bio: Madison (Maddi) Stevens is a social scientist interested in community-led biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, and human-wildlife coexistence. She earned her Ph.D. from the Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability, University of British Columbia, where her research focused on environmental decision-making in the contexts of community forest governance in the Indian Himalayas and nonprofit conservation planning in Canada. She currently holds a position as an NSF Postdoctoral Research Scholar, working with Dr. Libby Lunstrum and Dr. Matt Williamson to study Blackfoot-led buffalo restoration on the Rocky Mountain Front, drawing on insights from interviews, Elder dialogues, and geospatial analyses.