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A Quick Chat With Kaleb Smith

Leslie: Hi Broncos! I’m Leslie Webb, your vice president for student affairs.

So, something that’s really important to me is showing off the incredible things going on around campus. Did you know that you have a student government working every single day on your behalf? Your Associated Students of Boise State University does a ton of work for you. Today I get to catch up with your president, Kaleb Smith.

So Kaleb, if you had to help your student body peers know one thing about what’s going on right now, what would that be?

Kaleb: Well, Leslie, it would probably be the Golden Apple Awards Ceremony. The Golden Apple Awards Ceremony is where a student can nominate a faculty member that has positively impacted them. The nomination form is on OrgSync and it closes March 11.

Leslie: I love that you honor our faculty that way. Students, take advantage of that. Nominate your faculty member. Kaleb thank you for everything you do, and if there’s one last plug, I’d love to say, hey students, elections are coming up. If you’re interested in influencing and informing how your student government works for you, you should vote in the upcoming election. Wouldn’t you agree?

Kaleb: I would.

Ok, we should do the …

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