Filming and Photography in Student Union
We welcome both internal and external organizations to film or take pictures in the Student Union.  However, the University must monitor and control video and photo shoots on campus to ensure the content is appropriate, adequate safety measures are in place, and the University receives appropriate consideration for access to and affiliation with the University’s brand.  University Policy #10030 governs all photography and filming on campus.
The Student Union invites all entities wishing to film or photograph within the union to be either approved through Trademark Licensing and Enforcement according to policy or through a request of the Student Union. The Student Union will respond to requests or refer the requester to Trademark Licensing and Enforcement. The Student Union may:
- request more information from the person requesting permission to film/photograph within the union.
- disapprove of the request if it will be an overburden on our patrons or create an atmosphere in which it impacts the union’s ability to serve.
- disapprove of the request if it is determined that it falls within the guidelines for approval through Trademark Licensing and Enforcement and the requestor is referred.