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21. Don’t Sweat it – Helping the World Control Their Sweat

Aidan Smith, Giana Borelli, Madi Brown, Lydia Gross, Christy Suciu

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Our Product

  • Simultaneously Eliminate Stains and Odor
  • Easy to use
  • Improve Customer Esteem

Hi! We’re Team G.L.A.M and our product is Don’t Sweat It – an easy to use anti sweat stain spray. Our goal as a company is to design a product that will not only prevent sweat stains from forming on clothing, but also to increase our customers’ confidence and self-esteem in their everyday lives.

What’s the problem?

  • 60% of adults are embarrassed by sweat stains
  • 5% of population suffer from Hyperhidrosis
  • 49% have discussed their condition with healthcare providers

Our research has shown that 60% of adults are embarrassed by sweat stains that form on their clothing throughout the day.

This distraction can cause people to become distracted at work, or even limit the amount they come into contact with others. Many people we interviewed claimed that deodorants and antiperspirants just aren’t enough to prevent stains or cover up the odor. Don’t Sweat It acts as a second layer of protection for both the user and their clothing. It simultaneously removes pre-existing stains while preventing new ones from forming all while covering up any body odor sweating creates.

Customer Segment

  • Gym goers: Athletes, Regular gym goers, Students
  • Workers: Teachers, Businesses, Hospitals

Our product is targeted toward athletes as well as frequent gym-goers. These individuals sweat more than the average person who come into contact with others throughout their day. These segments are the most affected by sweating.

Customer Relations

Partnership and samples forecast through first four quarters: partnerships increase as more users sample the product
Customer Loyalty Graph
  • Partner with large brands
  • Sample at gyms, universities, etc.

In order to increase revenue for our product, we will partner with larger brands, gyms and universities. These partners interact with the most people affected by sweating. Partnering will allow us to capture a greater audience in less time. We will also offer free samples so that customers can see the success of the product before fully committing to it.

Revenue Streams

  • Quantity Sold
  • Partnerships
  • Stellar Product


  • New Product
  • Everyday use
  • Staying innovative

Don’t Sweat It is a new product that acts as a solution to a need every person has. Sweating is natural but that doesn’t mean everyone has to know it’s happening. Don’t Sweat It allows people to live their lives without worrying about sweat stains or body odor. G.L.A.M is hoping increase our customers’ self-esteem, one sweat stain at a time!


  • People want a product that helps control/hide sweat
  • No company has a product like this

Additional Information

For questions or comments about this research, contact Madi Brown at