List of available booklets in order of publication, 1972 to 2006
Sample Subjects available only in print editions:
- Edward Abbey
- Gertrude Atherton
- Rick Bass
- Ivan Doig
- Charles A. Eastman
- Hamlin Garland
- Zane Grey
- Joy Harjo
- Bret Harte
- Lawson Inada
- Washington Irving’s Western Works
- Helen Hunt Jackson
- Robinson Jeffers
- Maxine Hong Kingston
- Norman Maclean
- John Muir
- Simon Ortiz
- Ishmael Reed
- Frederic Remington
- Alberto Rios
- James Welch
- Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine
- A.B. Guthrie’s The Big Sky
- Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian
- And many more!

Free Downloads
Link to our 23 out of print titles, available for free download from Western Writers Series Digital Editions.
Subjects of the Digital Editions:
- Richard Brautigan
- Thomas Hornsby Ferril
- Vardis Fisher
- Mary Hallock Foote
- Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler (in one volume)
- Jack Kerouac
- Ken Kesey
- Herbert Krause
- Charles F. Lummis
- Enos Mills
- N. Scott Momaday
- Tillie Olsen
- Plains Indian Autobiographies
- John Wesley Powell
- Tom Robbins
- Charles Marion Russell
- Mari Sandoz
- Sam Shepard
- Leslie Marmon Silko
- Gary Snyder
- Jessamyn West
- Owen Wister
- Charles Erskine Scott Wood