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Close-up on a young white woman's cochlear implant; pink flowers are tucked in front of ear

“The public mindset is beginning to shift away from a medical model of disability towards a recognition that context and self-awareness as a learner both play a huge role in whether any given condition is disabling or not.” ~ Anne Meyer, Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice

Are you a Boise State faculty member who wants to ensure that your digital teaching materials are as accessible to all students as they can be? Interested in incorporating the principles of universal design into your course design and teaching methods? This is the place to begin. Here you’ll find a wide array of information about creating accessible teaching materials and designing and building courses on the foundation provided by the principles of universal design for learning.

Play Getting Started with UDL on Campus

Higher education faculty talk about getting started with Universal Design for Learning. A transcript is available for this video.