According to the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium, more than 12% of people living in the United States report some form of disability, ranging in severity from minor to major. Using a broad definition of disability, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report even higher numbers: 20%, or 1 in 5 people living in the U.S. Both numbers demonstrate that there is a good chance that you know someone with a disability, or that you yourself have a disability.
Boise State is committed to creating a learning, working, and living environment that is fully accessible for people with disabilities, whether those disabilities are permanent or temporary. For instance, through the Educational Access Center, the university provides Braille notetakers to assist students who are blind or have difficulty seeing; likewise, the Educational Access Center provides sign-language interpreters or other assistance to students with impaired hearing. In this section of the web site you’ll find information about resources available to students with disabilities (both permanent and temporary), as well as information about how all students can benefit from a learning environment in which digital information is readily and easily accessible.