Story Ideas and Pitching
If you know any staff, faculty, students, or alumni who are involved in interesting work and you would like the School to feature them across our platforms, you can submit your story through the School Story Pitch Form. Whether you’d like us to share your story at the School level, College level, or University level, we’ve got you covered!
School Story Pitch Form
How do I go about telling you about my work, or the work of someone else?
You can either fill out the School Story Pitch Form, or email Kristy Grabert ( If the story is big, we encourage you to contact Danya Lusk ( in the College of Health Sciences.
What kind of “stories” are you looking for?
We’re looking for any and all kinds of experiences the people in our School are apart of. This can be anything from a researcher receiving a grant, to students working on a project, to events going around the state and/or campus.
Why does this matter?
These stories help potential students see our School for what it is: a vast network of capable, intelligent professors who help foster the students in their departments. Not only that, it can help other schools connect to ours, connect us to the University, expand our resources, and showcase the exciting work that is happening. These stories matter because all of the students, faculty, and staff of this school matter.
Where can I see these stories?
You can see the stories on the College of Health Sciences News Feed, which then filters into the other department feeds. You can also see these stories on the COHS social media, as well as ours. Usually, the University will also share our news stories, or publish them themselves if they are large-scale research projects, grants, etc.