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Alumni Business Directory

What is it?

The Alumni Business Directory is a feature on PeopleGrove that will allow Boise State Alumni business owners to post their business. This tool will allow for there to be a collective and running list of businesses that are Alumni owned. We can then direct Bronco Nation to these businesses, in support of fellow Broncos!

Who can use it?

Anyone who has a BroncoLink account will be able to access this directory. This means that students, faculty, Alumni, and friends can all use this feature, to be able to support fellow Bronco businesses!

How do you use it?

Here are your instructions!

  1. Create a BroncoLink account. You can sign up/in via LinkedIn, myboisestate, Facebook, email, etc.
  2. Click on the “Resources” tab on the top of the homepage.
  3. Click “Create Resource” on the right-hand side (blue button).
  4. Choose “Business Listing” under “Create New Post.”
  5. Categorize it as “Business Directory.” (This should already be pre-populated, but if not, make sure you pick it!)
  6. Fill in the information.
  7. In the post description section, provide a description and if there are any discounts or specials for Boise State Alumni members.
  8. Click on “Submit.” We will then review your business and reply within a few business days.

Questions? Let us Know!