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BMOL PhD Student Handbook Academic Integrity

Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity

When you enter into the Biomolecular Sciences Ph.D. program, the program faculty agree to offer their time and resources in exchange for your commitment to perform with a high level of professionalism, to work safely, and with academic integrity. As graduate students and professional scholars-in-training, you are expected to exercise high standards of ethical and professional behavior toward your peers, professors, and students.  As teaching assistants, you should protect your students’ academic freedom, confidentiality, and make every effort to evaluate students fairly and with respect.  Graduate students must never engage in, permit or otherwise support professional misconduct, including plagiarism, falsification of data, deception, or harassment. To ensure that students and faculty alike are aware of these expectations, the program, the college and the university have policies in place with which you should familiarize yourself. These polices are outlined in this handbook, the Boise State Policies at Boise State Policy,  the Student Code of Conduct, Graduate Catalog, and Standards and Guidelines for Dissertations.

Academic Dishonesty (plagiarism/cheating) will not be tolerated. Please refer to the university website (Student Code of Conduct) for descriptions of academic dishonesty and possible consequences.

The safety of students and all campus personnel is very important to our program and university. All students must comply with university policies and regulations and procedures for working in and around laboratories. Prior to engaging in laboratory work, safety training must first be completed. In addition to lab-specific training, general emergency response measures and University Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) training must be completed. If you have questions regarding possible safety-related issues, please contact your research supervisor, the program coordinator, or the university’s office of Environmental Health and Safety