Date and Time | Speaker, Affiliation, and Topic of Discussion | Event Page Link |
August 21st 3:00 - 4:15 PM | BMOL Faculty Meeting | N/A |
August 28th 3:00 - 4:15 PM | Student Meeting with BMOL Administration | N/A |
September 11th 3:00 - 4:15 PM | NAME: Dr. Lauren Faget, Boise State University TITLE: GABAergic and glutamatergic projections from the Ventral Pallidum: two parallel pathways with opponent roles in motivated behaviors HOST: Dr. Allan Albig, Biological Sciences | Dr. Faget's Page |
September 25th 3:00 - 4:15 PM | NAME: Dr. Onesmo Balemba, University of Idaho TITLE: Instigators of Gastrointestinal Neuropathy and Dysmotility in Type 2 Diabetes HOST: Dr. Javier Ochoa-Repáraz, Biological Sciences | Dr. Balemba's Page |
October 9th 3:00 - 4:15 PM | NAME: Dr. Omar Valsson, University of North Texas TITLE: Unraveling Protein-Protein Dissociation Kinetics via Atomistic Simulations HOST: Dr. Oliviero Andreussi, Chemistry & Biochemistry | Dr. Valsson's Page |
October 16th 3:00 - 4:15 PM | NAME: Dr. Y. Hwan Kim, Boise State University TITLE: Inhibition of deSUMOylation and cellular senescence as potential therapeutic targets for Parkinson’s disease. HOST: Dr. Allan Albig, Biological Sciences | Dr. Kim's Page |
October 23rd 3:00 - 4:15 PM | NAME: Dr. Matthias Heyden, Arizona State University TITLE: From Anharmonic Vibrations to Protein Dynamics HOST: Dr. Konrad Meister, Chemistry & Biochemistry | Dr. Heyden's Page |
October 30th 3:00 - 4:15 PM | NAME: Dr. Tom Glass, Sapidyne Instruments Inc. TITLE: Exploring KinExA® Technology and Critical Analysis of 95% Confidence Intervals for Fitted Parameters HOST: Maddie Grier, BMOL Ph.D. Student | Dr. Glass' Page |
November 6th 3:00 - 4:15 PM | Student Research Presentation #1 NAME: Madison Dirks, BMOL Ph.D. Candidate TITLE: TBA ADVISOR: Dr. Owen McDougal, Chemistry & Biochemistry Student Research Presentation #2 NAME: Noah Souza, BMOL Ph.D. Candidate TITLE: TBA ADVISOR: Dr. Juliette Tinker, Biological Sciences | Coming Soon! |
November 13th 3:00 - 4:15 PM | Student Research Presentation #1 NAME: Elizabeth Ryan, BMOL Ph.D. Candidate TITLE: TBA ADVISOR: Dr. Owen McDougal, Chemistry & Biochemistry Student Research Presentation #2 NAME: Krystal Sosa, BMOL Ph.D. Candidate TITLE: TBA ADVISOR: Dr. Ken Cornell, Chemistry & Biochemistry | Coming Soon! |
November 20th 3:00 - 4:15 PM | NAME: Dr. Dominique Frueh, Johns Hopkins University TITLE: When binding is not simple: NMR reveals the prominence of structural dynamics in peptide synthetase domain engagement. HOST: Dr. Rajesh Nagarajan, Chemistry & Biochemistry | Dr. Frueh's Page |
December 4th 3:00 - 4:15 PM |
Seminar Series
The BMOL Seminar Series offers a wide variety of presentations given by students, faculty, and respected members of the scientific community. It is open to the members of Boise State’s campus as well as the public. If you would like to be added to the seminar mailing list, please email us at
Faculty & Students – The Spring 2025 BMOL Seminar Series dates of availability have been created. Please invite colleagues and guests from academia/industry to give a seminar on a specific date. Once a date has been chosen, please contact our office!