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SP18 Seminar-Series


DateSpeaker, Affiliation, Topic of Discussion (click title to see abstract)
1/10/2018First week of classes
BMOL Ph.D. first year students (Cohort 6) meet with Program Director
1/17/2018Student Research Seminar
NAME: Sheenah Bryant
Major Advisor: Dr. Daniel Fologea, Department of Physics
TITLE: Intra and Extra Membrane Mechanical Stress Modulates the Functionality of Transmembrane Transporters
1/24/2018NAME: Dr. Bikram Sharma, Stanford University
HOST: Dr. Allan Albig, Department of Biological Sciences
TITLE: Heart Vasculature: A Tale of Dual Coronary Endothelial Progenitors
1/31/2018BMOL Ph.D. second year (Cohort 5) students meet with Program Director
2/7/2018No Seminar
2/14/2018NAME: Dr. Mary Cloud Ammons, Department of Veterans Affairs
HOST: Dr. Denise Wingett, Department of Biological Sciences
TITLE: Translational Systems Biology of Non-Healing Wounds
2/21/2018Student Research Seminar
NAME: Giovan Cholico
Major Advisor: Dr. Kristen Mitchell, Department of Biological Sciences
TITLE: Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR): A Novel Target For Anti-Fibrotic Therapy
2/28/2018NAME: Dr. Marina Diioia, Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine
HOST: Dr. Juliette Tinker, Department of Biological Sciences
TITLE: Crocodile TIRs: a Novel Mechanism of Pathogenic Immune Evasion
3/7/2018Student Research Seminar
NAME: Jacob Crow
Major Advisor: Allan Albig, Department of Biological Sciences
TITLE: Dimeric Notch Signaling: A Glimpse into Novel NICD Cooperation
3/14/2018NAME: Dr. Bryan Martin, The Scripps Research Institute
HOST: Dr. Owen McDougal, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
TITLE: Structural Studies of the Tyrosine-Rich Octamer Repeat Domain
3/21/2018Student Research Seminar
NAME: Steven Burden
Major Advisor: Dr. Eric Hayden, Department of Biological Sciences
TITLE: Design Principles of Encodable, Fluorescent RNA Quadraplexes
3/28/2018No Seminar - Spring Break
4/4/2018Student Research Seminar
NAME: Shivakumar Rayavara
Major Advisor: Dr. Kristen Mitchell, Department of Biological Sciences
TITLE: Cellular role of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in TCDD-induced liver fibrosis
4/11/2018NAME: Dr. Adrian Keatinge-Clay, University of Texas-Austin
HOST: Dr. Rajesh Nagarajan, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
TITLE: Visualizing and Harnessing Polyketide Assembly Lines
4/17/2018Student Research Seminar
NAME: Sheenah Bryant
Major Advisor: Dr. Daniel Fologea, Department of Physics
TITLE: Intra and Extra Membrane Mechanical Stress Modulates the Functionality of Transmembrane Transporters
4/25/2018NAME: Dr. Larry Fox, Washington State University
HOST: Dr. Juliette Tinker, Department of Biological Sciences
TITLE: Bovine Mycoplasma Mastitis: Emerging trends with an emerging disease
5/2/2018No Seminar - Finals